TC Professional Development

Temple College Logo R. Craig Collins > Common> Training Home Page> Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn) for Faculty

Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn) For Faculty © R. Craig Collins, 2013/9

NewNew Overviews on using D2L

Creating D2L News and Content D2L-Content.pptx
D2L Gradebook D2L-Gradebook.pptx
D2L Dropbox D2L-Dropbox.pptx
D2L Quizzes, Part I Quizzes, Part 1 pptx pptx
D2L Quizzes, Part II D2L Quizzes Part II pptx
D2L Rubrics (Note: Feedback now goes to Grades) D2L Rubrics
D2L Attendance D2L Attendance
D2L New Course (Instructional Design Wizard) D2L New Course pptx
D2L Power Tools (Intelligent Agent, Release Conditions, Manage dates, Course Copy, & Rubrics) D2L Power Tools pptx
D2L Intelligent Agents D2L Intelligent Agents


We now have access to training material created by D2L

ReadYouTube Video YouTube video channel for Instructors,
with TONS of videos on how to do just about EVERYTHING in Brightspace by D2L (Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn))

Learner video list

Below is additional material created by me, and links to other material by D2L and D2L institutions
Parts are dated, I am in the process of updating. Don't worry if the colors of menus have changed, the functionality has not

Faculty Tour of D2L, the overview      
D2L Quick Start (YouTube)
eLearning Tour of D2L for Students       
D2L for Temple College YouTube videos
Last Minute D2L Survival Guide

Read Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn) 10.3 Guide (pdf) Read Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn) 10.1-10.3 Cheat Sheet (pdf)

Below is a quick overview of Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn) (D2L). Many of the topics have related pages with additional details.

On some these detail pages, I try to let you know what is important, and what is not, with Avoid, Nice Read and/or Boring
Most of the Detail pages are Under Construction, Even More Coming Soon

Temple College Page/My Home

Temple College Page from student eLearning tour
including Messages, Updates, Subscriptions

YouTube Video First Log in, Profile, Settings
YouTube Video Navigation D2L 10.3

YouTube VideoBasic Navigation, and Posting and reading Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn) Discussions

Your Profile/Notifications/Account Settings

Campus Discussions from Student tour
D2L FAQ and Links

Getting to your Your Class shell (s)


After selecting YOUR course:

The Top Bar
  Course Home
     News includes format text, insert images, etc
     Conditional Release
     Insert Stuff
  Content includes format text, insert images, etc
     Plagiarism Detection
  Quizzes details under construction...
  Edit Course (aka Pandora's Box)

  Collins design tips
    Drive it from News, use Tutorials (pdf)
    more tips soon
  Coming soon, Collins cheat sheets
  Coming soon, Expressions


Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn) Temple College page


Faculty tour of tools on the D2L Screen

Temple College Page,
Top bar, right side, including Messages, Updates, Subscriptions

References: eLearning Tour of D2L for Students
Notifications , Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn) article

Brief intro: The tools in the upper right hand corner alert you to any new Messages, Updates to News items, and activity on items you have Subscriptions to, such a notification that someone replied to a specific discussion item.

A red dot indicates there is a change in the status, such as you have a new message. The Messages tool used to be called the Pager, so you can send a message from the Classlist, using the Pager tool.

Details: D2L Notifications
YouTube Video First Log in, Messages, Profile, Settings

Back to Table of Contents to After selecting YOUR course...

Messages, Updates, Subscriptions, Notifications

Your Profile/Notifications/Account Settings

References: eLearning Tour of D2L for Students
U of Wisconsin Settings
Online Course Lady, Profiles
Notifications , Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn) article

Brief intro: Click the Down Triangle next to your Name to access your Profile, to change Notifications, or to update account settings.

ReadTake the time to update your Profile
YouTube Video First Log in, Messages, Profile, Settings

ReadA key setting to check is your 'Reply to' email address, on the Email tab of Account settings.
YouTube Video First Log in, Messages, Profile, Settings

Details:D2L Profile
D2L Notifications
Account settings
Progress (primarily for Students, from eLearning tour)

Back to Table of Contents to After selecting YOUR course...

Messages, Updates, Subscriptions, Notifications

email settings

FAQ and Links (only available on the Temple College My Home page)

Brief intro: The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and Links items are only on the Gray bar when viewing the Temple College News page,
not from your class shell. You and your students may use the FAQ for addition support using Brightspace by D2L (Desire2Learn); You and your students may use Links for additional references for eLearning and class work support.
Details below


Details: Log into D2L and select FAQ and/or Links
YouTube Video First Log in, Messages, Profile, Resources

Back to Table of Contents to After selecting YOUR course...

Getting to your Your Class shell

References: eLearning Tour of D2L for Students

Brief intro: Select a Course...Down Triangle, top of the Page
select your course from a list, under the My Courses area, below the Temple College News.





NiceDetails: Select a Course...Down Triangle
If you have many classes listed, but only access a few on a regular basis, I suggest you use Select a Course, scroll down and locate these courses, and click the gray Push Pin icon to the right. The pin will change to orange.

The next time you select Select a Course...Down Triangle the pinned items will be sorted at the top.


ReadNote: to return to the Temple College News page, select My Home, on the top bar or the black bar.

YouTube Video First Log in, Messages, Profile, Settings, My Courses





Details: My Courses
Typically, you will use the Faculty option, this will list all the classes you are teaching. The Student setting is used to access items that you are a participant in, rather than a leader, such as Faculty Council.
YouTube Video First Log in, Messages, Profile, Settings, My Courses
Note: How to Combine Shells for a course (pdf)


NiceNote: a few times a semester, previous semesters will appear... this is to allow faculty the opportunity to copy items from previous semesters. If this long list is making it difficult to locate your current semester, click the [v] icon to the right of a semester to collapse the list. Click the [>] icon to expose the classes within that semester.

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Select a Course

Select a course, active


Or, scroll down to the My Courses area to select a class.

Using My Courses

to After opening YOUR D2L Course








After opening YOUR D2L Course


The Top bar is primarily used AFTER selecting a Class

The Gray Bar
  Course Home

References: eLearning Tour of D2L for Students

ReadBrief intro:
Clicking My Home goes to the Temple College News;

Click Course Home for News in the current class.

You may also click the [Name of the Class...Down Triangle] on the top Orange bar to get to the News page for the selected class, if you don't see the Course Home link.
YouTube Video First Log in, Messages, Profile, Settings, My Courses
Back to Table of Contents

To Course News


Creating a News item

NewCreating News and Content (pptx)

References: eLearning Tour of D2L for Students

Brief intro:
Just as you can leave notes to a class on a blackboard, you can leave notes for your online class using the News tool.

News items have a headline, then text and images if desired.
The text area can be highly formatted.

Nice I never delete a News item, I change the availability dates, and reuse most of them the next semester.

Details: How to Create a News item, format text, add images...

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Create News view







The Top Bar

NewCreating News and Content (pptx)

References: eLearning Tour of D2L for Students
University of Colorado

Brief intro: Content is where students access your syllabi, notes, documents, handouts, etc.
Begin in the Table of Contents area, and add a Module (folder), then add or create files or links.
You can drag modules or items in a module to reorder.

Note: POINT at a title and move your mouse to expose the dropbox arrow to access the options.
If you select Edit in place, you can simply click the name of an item to rename it.

You can add a new document, upload a file, or link to a file or tool in D2L.
You can add descriptions to the module, including images.

If you are not ready to display a module or item, you can mark it as Draft, then later change it to Published.
Additional details below.

View of the Content area

Content Navigation

Details: Create a File, how to Format text, add images, Insert Stuff, and/or create a Link

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The Top Bar

Read Please see D2L 10.3 pdf or the Student tutorial until this section has been updated

References: eLearning Tour of D2L for Students
eLearning Tour of D2L for Students: Discussions
YouTube Video Navigation, and Discussion basics, YouTube

University of Colorado

Brief intro: You create forums, then add topics of discussion to the Forum.
Note: when you select your class, you can see how many unread discussion topics are in THIS class shell.
to More detailed info on Discussions.


Either select Discussions, or the Unread Discussion Messages link, to open the Discussions.
Note from here you may create new forums (folders) or Topics.

Click the Down Triangle next to an existing Forum to edit it, or to view Statistics.
Click the Topic to view the messages.

Discussions list

Click the Topic you wish to use, to view the messages.

The Discussion Viewer window now opens; click the [+] to expand a forum, if needed..

The Discussions List of Forums and Topics opens in the left window,
the selected Topic with the list of messages opens in the top right window.
Selecting a message in the top right opens the message in the bottom right window.

1) List of Forums
and Topics
2) List of Messages
in selected Topic
Window to
3) view or
4) reply to the selected message

Discussions Window
Return to Class

Details: to More detailed info on Discussions

Read Please see D2L 10.3 pdf or the Student tutorial until this section has been updated

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The Top Bar

References: eLearning Tour of D2L for Students
eLearning Tour of D2L for Students: Dropbox
YouTube Video YouTube video on the Dropbox

Brief intro: The dropbox is where students submit homework for grading.

to Viewing the Dropbox Windows
to Creating a Dropbox
to Viewing a specific Dropbox
to Grading a Dropbox item
using Plagiarism Detection (a pdf to share with Students on feedback)

View of a completed set of Categories and Dropboxes (Folders)
View of Dropbox Window
to other dropbox options

You create a dropbox (New Folder) for students to upload files into, and leave directions, if you like.
View of creating a Dropbox
to other dropbox options

You click a Dropbox to see all the submissions that are in place, to email students who have yet to submit, etc.
If you chose the wrong Dropbox, click the Folder list, above the Name of the Dropbox.
List of Dropbox submissions
The list of submissions will be here... note unsubmitted, ungraded, and graded
Dropbox items
to other dropbox options

To Grade, select Evaluate Submission for a student.

Once you select a student's submission, you can view the file, open the file, or download the file.
You may add feedback, and a score when finished. You may also use Rubrics to help you grade.
Grading a dropbox item
to other dropbox options

To enable Plagiarism Detection, when creating or editing a folder, check under OriginalityCheck,
[] Enable for this folder.
This connects the folder to (a pdf to share with Students on feedback)
Plagiarism Detection option

You will also need to scroll down and make sure to Show Advanced Originality Checking Options, and allow the learners to see their score.

Plagiarism detection options

A dropbox with plagiarism detection enabled will have the following icon: Plagiarism detection icon

(Turnitin currently accepts the following file types for upload into an assignment:

Shortly after a student submits a file, an will appear when evaluating a user's dropbox.
It starts with "In Progress"

TurnItIn in progress

When completed, you will see a colored scale. Click the colored part of the scale to see details.
Evaluated dropbox

The scale is color coded, blue is probably clean, green, has some similarities, other colors should be investigated.
Again, click the colored portion to go to to view the report, and actually see what is similar to other submissions.

0-20% is probably acceptable if the student has used a quote.
Note: a document with less than 20 words will not be checked.

(a pdf to share with Students on feedback)

Return to Class

YouTube Video YouTube video on the Dropbox

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The Top Bar

Quizzes, Part 1 pptx
D2L Quizzes Part II pptx now available

References: eLearning Tour of D2L for Students
eLearning Tour of D2L for Students: Quizzes
D2L Question importer tool, D2L
University of Colorado
University of Wisconsin

to Quiz details
1) Brief intro: You may import or create quizzes with a list of questions, or with random sections (such as 'display 5 random questions out of group of 10')

2) Quizzes can be timed,
   and you control the number of attempts, which attempt is graded, and which questions go on what page... and if students can go to a previous page.
3) You may add comments for student and images in a quiz.

4) Quiz question types include: True/False, Multiple Choice, Multi-select, Essay, Fill in the Blank, Matching, etc.
Note: faculty should review Fill in the Blank, and Essay questions to verify grading. The other question types are auto graded.
Quiz question types

5) You also control what the student sees when the quiz is complete, and when.

Review eLearning Tour of D2L for Students: Quizzes for more info on Quizzes,
select details for info on
Quiz Properties, Restrictions, Attempts, Submission Views, and Layout and Questions.
Quiz Properties


Return to Class

Quizzes Details: Click here

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The Top Bar

References: eLearning Tour of D2L for Students
Under Construction More Coming Soon

Brief intro: The Classlist allows you to see Student info, when the student last logged into the class, and if they are currently logged in.
Place a check mark next to a Student and you may email individual or groups of students, or unenroll students.

You can also Enroll students, or by selecting the Down Triangle next to a student's name, you can Impersonate the student, or view their progress, etc.

Class list view

Return to Class

Details: Under Construction More Coming Soon

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The Top Bar

References: D2L-Gradebook.pptx

eLearning Tour of D2L for Students
eLearning Tour of D2L for Students: Grades
Under Construction More Coming Soon

Brief intro: A record of grades given to a student... may be viewed at the class level or student level;
at the end of the semester Grades can display the calculated or adjusted Final Grade.

You can create calculated grade items to give a student an idea of where there are before the end of the semester,
and you can control the appearance of grades for you and for students, such as 98%, or 245/250.
You may add color coding (Blue=A, Green=B, Yellow=C, Orange=D, Pink=F or not done).
You determine if 0s are counted or dropped. ( I recommend counting 0s)
(You can create calculated grade items to give a student an idea of where there are before the end of the semester)
At the end of the semester, you can submit the grade book from D2L to the registrar's office.

Many grades are automatically posted to the grade book, but you may manually grade, or bulk grade items.


The Details sections covers Enter Grades and Manage Grades, as well as creating categories and grade items.

Return to Class

Details: Under Construction More Coming Soon

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The Top Bar
(not on the standard Gray bar)

References: eLearning Tour of D2L for Students
Under Construction More Coming Soon

Brief intro: Used to record attendance; does not report to the grade book Standard scheme lets you record
P, for Present
T, for Tardy
A, for Absent
or EA for Excused Absence.

Or you can create a scheme that awards points.

During the creation process you create the number of events, name them, and describe them.
Then you select the item, and record the presents, and absences.

View of the Attendance Tool
View of the Attendance Tool

View of a selected event
View of Attendance event

You may also bulk select items, such as All Present.
Bulk Attendance

Return to Class

Details: Under Construction More Coming Soon

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The Top Bar
(Not on the Standard Gray bar)

References: eLearning Tour of D2L for Students
Under Construction More Coming Soon

Brief intro: You can create a list of items that the student can use,
for the student to record what the student has completed.


Details: Under Construction More Coming Soon

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The Top Bar
(Not on the Standard Gray bar)

References: eLearning Tour of D2L for Students
Similar to Quizzes, see also eLearning Tour of D2L for Students: Quizzes
Under Construction More Coming Soon

Brief intro: Anonymous quizzes, not grades, to survey students... includes a Likert Scale.

Details: Under Construction More Coming Soon

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The Top Bar
  Edit Course
(Not on the Student Gray bar)

Under Construction More Coming Soon

Brief intro: The behind the scenes tool to manage or supercharge an individual course.

Details: Under Construction More Coming Soon

Navigation and Themes
Manage Dates
Manage Files
Import/Export/Copy Components
Course Builder
Course Design Accelerator
Instructional Design Wizard
Edit Course Options top
Edit Course Options, bottom

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