
Using Desire2Learn (D2L)

Desire2Learn(D2L) is the Temple College classroom management system used in web enhanced, hybrid, and on-line courses;
D2L is used for checking campus wide news, course specific information, class discussions, quizzes, turning in homework, and checking grades.
To access D2L, open your browser to the Temple College home page and choose Student Services or eLearning to access links,
or type in https://templejc.desire2learn.com

To D2L Welcome Page items, and Tools

When you first log in you should:
create a new password,
verify your reply to email address, and
update your profile.
Then, you are now ready to access your course and class content.

For more info on items you see on the Welcome page or other tools, click here.

Log In  
D2L Log in screen

You may not be able to log into D2L until just before the semester begins, when student info is transferred.

At that time you will get an email sent to your TC Web Mail account with your log-in ID (username) and password information.

To Using TC Web Mail
Log into TC Web Mail

For first time users, typically your log-in Username AND your Password are
the same as your standard campus log in name. New users click here.

Your log-in ID typically is your
last name +
first initial +
the last three digits of your student ID
Example: John Doe, ID 5551212 would be doej212

  Again, first time users will use their username for the password, as well.
After logging in the first time, you will be prompted to change you password; you will create a password of at least 8 letters and numbers, to a maximum of 15
Welcome Page items
My Home vs. Course Home
Campus Discussions
Course Home Page items
Choosing a Course
and Course Content

Course Home Page Classlist
Course Home Page Chat

Check Progress

Course Home Page items
Course Home Page Discussions
Course Home Page Dropbox
Course Home Page Quizzes
Course Home Page Grades
My Home vs. Course Home

D2L "My Home"

When you first log in, you are on the Campus-wide D2L welcome page referred to as "My Home".

The "My Home" page displays campus-wide news at the top; as you scroll down you'll find the the My Courses widget.

Select a courseYou may also click the Select a Course icon to see your courses.

Many learners confuse the "My Home" page with the "Course Home" page... "My Home" is the the place to locate campus news, campus-wide discussions, and to access your courses.

Once you have selected a course, you will then see a new Welcome page with information specific to that particular course. From there you may choose that specific course's
Content, Discussions, Dropbox, Quizzes, Classlist, and Grades.

D2L 'Home' choices The "My Home" link returns you to the D2L campus-wide welcome page, whereas clicking the "Course Home" link returns you to the
Course specific welcome page.
The Campus-wide welcome page and specific course welcome pages each may contain a News block. The "My Home" news block is typically at the top of the page, above the Course list, where as "Course Home" news blocks typically are at the top right.

Please read any new items each time you log into D2L, or choose a specific course.

Campus Discussions

When on the "My Home" page, the link to Discussions will take you to three or four campus-wide discussions.
Typically these discussion forums include:
•improving our eLearning program,
•socialize with the entire campus, and
•getting help, using the Tech Support forum.

More on using the Discussion forums


If you ever need more information than is provided in this quick tour, select either "Help" or "FAQ" on the gray toolbar.

While this quick tour answers questions about Web Mail, TConnect, and D2L before you use the tools,
the D2L FAQ and D2L Help items are meant to be used to answer specific questions once you have logged into D2L.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) includes a section on "How to..." and "Technical Support."
These items should be the first items you look at if you have any question on usage, or if you have any problem.

Help, for all practical purposes is the manual, with details on all aspects of using D2L. If you can't find the info you need in the FAQ, it will be from Help.

If you have a specific issue not addressed by FAQ or Help, go to the Tech Support Forum; you can access this from Discussions.

D2L eMail

Don't confuse the eMail link with the TC Web Mail link, also available from the black toolbar.

TC Web Mail is a full featured email system for sending and receiving emails... the eMail link in D2L can only be used to SEND email; it is best used to drop your instructor a note without starting a separate program. Again, you cannot receive or read email using the D2L eMail link.

DO NOT USE D2L eMail without first verifying your "reply to" address... see the Settings section below for details.

Either type in the "To:" address, or choose the Address book to look up a Temple College D2L user's email address.

Type in your Message, add attachments as needed, and choose [Send] when complete.

The process of adding an attachment is the same as attaching a file to a dropbox. Click here for details.

Settings (Click your name)

D2L Settings



Typically,there is no need to change a lot of settings...
however, when you first log in you should:
create a new password,
verify your reply to email address, and
update your profile.

Click your Name to access the settings.

During the semester, you should take time to View Progress.


D2L Settings

Progress, used to select a class and then lets a learner check progress in several areas for that class.

D2L keeps track of when you logged in, and allows you to track your progress on:
Checklists, if used,
Content that you have already viewed,
Discussions, read and forums you have not posted to,
dropbox items you have uploaded and that are empty
Quizzes taken and yet to be taken,
Surveys taken, if available,
and items you have grades for in that class.

Details on using Check progress is included with Classlist

Locker (black toolbar)



The locker is a small (1MB) storage area for files that you can access anywhere you can log into D2L.

It is probably better to save files in your Office 365 One Drive

Choosing Classes/Content (below News)

D2L "My Home"

To access one of your courses:
Select a course Click the Select a course link at the top of the page.

2) scroll down below the campus news to the My Courses Section.

IOnce in your course Welcome page, make sure you read any news items specific to your course, and then you can choose the Content menu item on the Gray toolbar.


Think of the Content page of your course as the Table of Contents that allows you to select and read the topics your instructor has uploaded.

Click the Table of Contents link

Normally you will have a syllabus document to read, along with other items to cover during the semester.

The Content Window
D2L Content page






D2L Classlist tools

The classlist tool shows all the people involved in your course.

From here, you may view the profile or email or page (see Pager) other members of your classlist, including faculty and students.

Click your name to get to Progress.

An image of checking your progress is below.

Once you click the Progess link, a new page will open.
Verify you are viewing progress for the correct course.
Choose the area of the course you wish to view

See below for Progress

Progress Window
D2L Settings


Page Location

D2L New Page

D2L New Page window

Note: The Pager can freeze your computer if your multimedia selections are not correct. If your computer freezes, use a different computer to answer the Page, then refer to the FAQ on the gray toolbar for multimedia issues resolution.

For all practical purposes, the Pager is an Instant Message.

Note: the Pager is typically disabled during Quizzes.

Receiving a Page: Click the Envelope icon
You will now be able to see who is Paging you, and the message.

Replying to a Page:
In the Message box, type your message
Click SEND

Sending a Page:
The best way to send a page is to select a user from the Classlist and then click the Send Page icon

Sending a Page from the Pager:
Double click the Pager / Envelope icon
Click [New Page]
Click TO and Select the recipient

Regardless of how the Page was started, using the tool is the same:
In the Message scroll box, type the message and click [Send]
If the contact responds, you can continue conversing with each other by typing messages and clicking [Send]
When finished, Click [Close]