To Temple College Class  logo R. Craig Collins > intro to Computer Graphics > Overview 9

Overview 9 © R. Craig Collins, 2005/7

Items that should be accomplished before the beginning of the current time frame:
   • Submitted Lab 5
   • Reread as needed From On-line book: GIMP Basics: Layers

Reminder: Did you check your TC WebMail? Did you check the Quarantine folder?
Did you check the D2L Dropbox, to View feedback? Did you check D2L Grades for feedback? (You may have to scroll down)

Items to accomplish during the current course time frame:


   • Are you getting the best possible grade?
   • About Adjusting the brightness and contrast
     (Click here for a video demonstrating the GIMP brightness-Contrast tool)
   • Quick dip in the online book, choose, The Brightness-Contrast Tool
   • Refresher: Basic Layers
   • Reread as needed From On-line book: GIMP Basics: Layers
   • Reread as needed GIMP Online Help: 7. The “Layers” Menu
   • Reread as needed about Cropping
   • Reread as needed about Resizing
   • Reread as needed about rotating an image

   • Optimization
   • From Web Design: About GIMP Optimization
   • A bit more on layers and selection

•Activities (preview of Lab 6)
   • Rotate dam02a.png 2° clockwise. Save as lab6.png
   • Increase the canvas size to about 5 inches wide, with the new space to the right
   • Paste dam02b.png into your new lab6.png
   • Move dam02b until it lines up, making a new panorama image
   • Adjust the brightness and contrast as needed
   • Crop as needed
   • Save as lab6b.png
   • Optimize and save as lab6.jpg
   • View a video similar to Lab 6
   • From Web Design: Video, including Optimization

   •Lab 6 (link to beginning of lab)
   •Begin creating and testing Lab 6 (link to graphic construction requirements)
     (You will later transfer this information into a D2L dropbox)
   •NO QUIZ for Lab 6
     (There will be some questions to ponder, but no quiz)

     • See book for directions
   •Complete Lab 6 and verify your image matches the web page version
   (You will later transfer this information into a D2L dropbox)

•Submit by 11:59 am, Friday, of the current week (see due dates)
   • Lab 6 as directed

   • MUD 9 (My Understanding, Details) Respond
      What topics, if any, during this time frame do you feel very comfortable with? Why?
      What topics, if any, during this time frame do you not feel comfortable with?
   • Participation Discussion 9 Respond in the class D2L Discussion forum to the following:
      Why should you optimize image files if you are placing them on the Internet?
 • Using D2L Discussions    • Using D2L dropbox       • Using D2L Quizzes      • Logon

              •You may click on Discussions, Dropbox, or Quizzes below, for more info
D2L navigation D2L Dropbox notes D2L Quizzes Notes D2L Discussion Notes
to Checklist
For the next time frame:
   •Reread as needed From On-line book: GIMP: Clone
•Each test has a review; you may wish to write out pertinent information from the readings and activities
•After completing this overview, you may wish to start on the next Overview material, and preview Lab 7













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to Overview 9