To Temple College Class  logo R. Craig Collins > Intro to Computer Graphics > Lab 5

Lab 5 © R. Craig Collins, 2007    

General Lab Directions
Note: There is not enough time in lecture to cover all the material; go over the reading material BEFORE you begin the lab
Note: Typically labs will require you to invest some time in the lab, outside of class lecture hours

•Note: Please read the related overview material before continuing
Check with your Instructor for due date, typically Friday, 11:59PM (see due dates)

    •Would you like a video in Like Lab 5? Click here.

   •Begin creating and testing the Lab (link to graphic construction requirements)
   •Answer questions concerning topics covered in the Lab
     (You will later transfer this information into a D2L quiz)
You may download an acrobat or word processing document to help you with this.   

At the end of this process,
1) you will submit the web page files by zipping them, and placing them in the Desire2Learn dropbox area. Instructions on zipping are below.
2) you will be 'turning in' your documentation and Q&A by taking the ARTC lab 5 quiz in the Quizzes area of Desire2Learn. So, to get the best score, complete the documentation and Q&A as directed below, first.

     • Optional: Open/save an Acrobat pdf document to help with documentation and questions
       (get Adobe Acrobat Reader free, here)
     • Optional: Right click/save a Word doc document to help with documentation and questions
     • Optional: Right click/save a Rich Text rtf document to help with documentation and questions

Part 1, Activity (40%):
You may download an acrobat or word processing document to help you with this.

 • Create a lab5 folder
 • Right click this link and save target as lab5.jpg in your lab5 folder, or
    right click the image below, and save the image as lab5.jpg in your lab5 folder.


 •Would you like a video in Like Lab 5? Click here.

1. Open the lab5.jpg image using the GIMP software
2. Crop the image until only the photographic part is left; that is, remove the yellow, the white, the text, and the rulers.
3. Save this as lab5-crop.jpg

4. If not already open, open lab5-crop.jpg and scale it to 2 inches wide; let the height be adjusted proportionally
5. Save this as lab5-resize.jpg

6. If not already open, open lab5-resize.jpg and resize the canvas to 3x3 inches; center the image in the resized canvas
     Recall from the notes you must click the chain icon, as we are changing the aspect ration
     Recall from the notes, this is to add an offset, or you may use [Center]
     Don't forget you must choose Layer, Layer to Image size to use the newly sized canvas.
7. Flood the new space with a color, if you like;
     Recall from the notes, you may have to choose Layers\Layer to Image size or
     Layers\Layer to Canvas size
Save this as lab5-canvas.jpg

8. You should now have 4 images in your lab5 folder: lab5.jpg, lab5-crop.jpg, lab5-resize.jpg, and lab5-canvas.jpg

 • Zip the lab5 folder, rename it to and submit in the D2L Lab 5 dropbox


Part 2: Hands On (60%): Be prepared to discuss/demonstrate new tools and concepts used in this lab.

You may download an acrobat or word processing document to help you with this.

At the end of this process, you will be turning in answers using the Quizzes area of Desire2Learn, based on the following questions. So, to get the best score, fill in all the answers in this document first.

Answer the following questions

  1. When you select an area of an image, and remove everything else, it is called _________ the image.
    a) canvas
    b) cropping
    c) rotating
    d) scaling
  2. When you make a 5x5 inch square 3x3 inches square, it is called ___________ the image.
    a) canvas
    b) cropping
    c) rotating
    d) scaling
  3. When you add space around an image, you are adjusting the __________ size.
    a) canvas
    b) cropping
    c) rotating
    d) scaling
  4. Cropping can be used to: (choose all that apply)
    a) flip an image
    b) remove unwanted areas
    c) rotate an image
    d) accentuate subject matter
    e) increase the size of an image
    f) change the aspect ratio
    g) center an image
  5. True or false: It is recommended that you use File\Save As to create a new file after cropping, instead of replacing the old file.
  6. When scaling an image to get a different image size, it is not recommended that you scale it larger, due to loss of clarity. But when scaling an image down, to a smaller size, you may also [increase or decrease] resolution to improve clarity.
  7. The aspect ratio is
    a) the width compared to the height, expressed as a ratio, such as 1.5:1
    b) the angle the file is being view from
    c) the image quality compared to the image file size
  8. True or false: Wide screen or Panoramic images have the same aspect ratio as a computer monitor
  9. When adjusting the canvas size, you may normally (choose all that apply)
    a) make it wider only
    b) make it taller only
    c) adjust the width and height proportionally
    c) adjust the width and height individually
    e) center the image in the new space
  10. When rotating an image in the GIMP, you may Choose Image\__________
    a) transform
    b) rotate
    c) modify

Problems? Zip the entire folder and attach to an email:
       •Send the mail to your instructor, cc yourself
       •The subject line should include your name, your class, your section, and what you are submitting
       •Make sure you attach the zipped file


In Windows, zip the entire lab5 directory, and rename to
       •Example: yourname-lab4 or (if your extensions are visible)
Log into Desire2Learn, choose this class, choose Dropbox, and select Lab 5.
Browse to and upload it. (Scroll down to see detailed instructions)

You will then transfer your answers to the D2L Quiz for lab 5. You may use your notes for this part of lab.
Choose the Quizzes menu, and locate Lab 5.
      • Using D2L dropbox       • Using D2L Quizzes      • Logon to D2L
To submit by Temple College Desire2Learn:
       •Log into D2L, scroll to the bottom, and choose the correct course
       •When the Course Home Page appears, click on the Dropbox link.
              •You may click on Discussions, Dropbox, or Quizzes below, for more info

       D2L navigation D2L Dropbox notes D2L Quizzes Notes D2L Discussion Notes
Dropbox directions