To Temple College Class  logo R. Craig Collins > BCIS 1305/ITSC 1309 > Overview 3

Overview 3 © R. Craig Collins, 2005/20

"Lecture" Items to accomplish during the current course time frame:


   •My Word Resources, Word Crash Course, as needed

Microsoft Word pt 1 web
Microsoft Word pt 2
Word Setting Document Properties
Word Résumés
Word Outlines new
Word Résumé new
Word Bibliography/Footnote
Word Cover Page, Headers


Lab 3 is to create a Résumé in Word.

   •More information in D2L Content for this week


















Items that should be accomplished before the beginning of the current time frame:
   • Finished Lab 1
   • Read Word Projects 1-2

Items to accomplish during the current course time frame:

   •Windows Crash Course
   • Word Practice (Right click the link, and choose Save As or Save Target As...)

Note: line breaks: automatic is word wrap; new line is Shift+Enter, new paragraph is Enter

•Microsoft Office Activities
   •Microsoft Word (pdf)
   •Fonts (from my Internet/Web Page class)
   •Reference: more about Word
   •Word Glossary
    • Spelling Résumé
   •Lab links: Video example Word Sample Lab
   •Begin Lab 2
   •Begin Part 1 of Lab 3
   •Begin Part 2 of Lab 3

•Submit by 11:59 am, Friday, of the current week (see due dates)
   • Verify you have submitted Lab 1 and Lab 2 as directed
      • Using D2L dropbox       • Using D2L Quizzes      • Logon to D2L      • Check email
   • MUD 3 (My Understanding, Details) Respond as directed to the following:
      What topics, if any, during this time frame do you feel very comfortable with? Why?
      What topics, if any, during this time frame do you not feel comfortable with?
   • Participation Discussion 3 Respond as directed to the following:
      Why should you follow the sequence: create, edit, and then format? 
     • Using D2L discussions      • Logon to D2L      • Check email
      • to Checklist
For the next time frame:
•Microsoft Office Activities
   • Read Word Project 3

•Each test has a review; you may wish to write out pertinent information from the readings and activities
•After completing this overview, you may wish to start on the next Overview material, and preview Lab 3













Did you:
This is a work in progress... let me know if you would like this updated

•Reply to Participation Discussion Topic 3 and MUD 3
to Overview 3