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Overview 4 © R. Craig Collins, 2005/16

"Lecture" Items to accomplish during the current course time frame:

   •Word Chapters 1-3, as needed
   •My Word Resources, Word Crash Course, as needed

A non-breaking space keeps two words on the same line, not letting one word wrap to the next line.
This is done with [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Spacebar], and basically adds an invisible - between the words.

Microsoft Word pt 1 web
Microsoft Word pt 2
Word 2013 Setting Document Properties
Word 2013 Résumés
Word 2013 Outlines new
Word 2013 Résumé new
Word 2013 Bibliography/Footnote
Word 2013 Cover Page, Headers


Lab 3, is based on the Apply Your Knowledge sections of these chapters.
   •Careful reading, and completing the steps in Word Chapters 1-3, prepares you for the Apply Your Knowledge based labs.
   •The book activity and Apply Your Knowledge sections are designed for close inspection of Microsoft Word
   •The files and themes required are in D2L Content, right after Week 1 material.

   •More information in D2L Content for this week