Lab 3 A © R. Craig Collins, 2005/20
General Lab Directions
Note: There is not enough time in lecture to cover all
the material; read your book BEFORE you begin the lab
Check with your Instructor for due
Create and submit a résumé
Create a folder called lab3
Be sure to include the following:Your name (5%)
Your address (5%)
Your e-mail (5%)
Your phone number (5%)
Goals (5%)
Experience (5%)
Education (5%)
References (5%)
Spelled Résumé, not Resume (5%) ((How to Spell Résumé))
Control of text (not Times Roman, perhaps Tahoma(5%)
Control of font size or Heading (5%)
Either use a table or résumé Template (5%)
Format (bolds, etc) (5%)
file should be named yourname-resume.docx (5%)
Lab 3 B
Using a template, recreate your Résumé in the lab3 folder, and name yourname-professional-resume.docx
(See for help with Résumé Templates.)
Appropriately saved (30%)
Zip the folder and Rename the zip to where x represents the lab, such as
For more details, see D2L Content for the current week.
Problems? Zip the entire folder and attach to an email:
•Send the mail to your instructor,
cc yourself
•The subject line should include
your name, your class, your section, and what you are submitting
•Make sure you attach the zipped file