To Temple College Class  logo R. Craig Collins > BCIS 1305/ITSC 1309 > Lab 2

Lab 2 © R. Craig Collins, 2006,19

See also my Example
Check with your Instructor for due dates

Guided Activity and practice, some items may vary during the lecture, if in a Face to Face class

You can skip to the actual lab by clicking here

  • Optional items you may wish to practice, Scroll down for graded section
    (My Windows Crash Course)

    Launching Windows, view the Desktop, and the Task Bar
  • Use the left mouse button to select the Start Menu, explore the submenus, and finally select Help
  • Use the left mouse button to close the Help Menu
  • Double click the Internet (Internet Explorer) icon on the desktop to start the web browser
  • After locating the class web site, cycle through maximize, minimize, restore, resize, and finally close.
  • Insert your thumb drive/floppy disk, if you have one.
    (Note, give thumbdrives time to start up;
    when finished using a thumb drive, close any window relating to the thumb drive,
    then click the green arrow icon in the system tray (right side of the task bar)
    and choose to remove; wait until you get the message that it is safe to remove.)
  • Optional, for CIS Majors
    Open a command window (Start/All Programs/Accessories/Command Prompt,
    then issue the following command: help
  • Issue the following command: exit

  • Open (My) Computer/This PC/File Explorer, and browse to your storage device drive letter (disk A:\, thumb drive E:\ or F:\, network O:\)
  • Toggle the folder view by clicking the [Folders] button, then toggle back; explore the details area

  • In Windows 7, select Tools/Folder Options...
    In order to see the Tools menu, you may have to press [Alt]
    Select the View tab, and make sure that 'Hide extensions for know file types' is NOT checked.
    Click OK. You will now be able to see the complete file name.

  • Change Folder Options Dialog Box

    In Windows 10
    • Cick Start, then open File Explorer (also known as This PC)
    • Choose the View tab, then add a checkbox next to File name extensions

    This PC

  • Right click in the drive window, and choose New\Text document, naming it test.txt
  • Right click in the drive window, and choose New\folder, naming it lab1

  • Select the file test.txt, then choose Edit/Copy
    In order to see the Edit menu, you may have to press [Alt]
  • Select the folder, then choose Edit/Paste
  • Open the new folder... you should see your file.
  • Double click the file, and add your name to it. Save the file and close.
  • Right click the file, choose copy; right click in an open section of the drive window, and choose paste
  • Right click the new copy, choose rename, and enter some other name... but don't change the extension*
  • Browse to get back to the root of your storage device
  • Create a new folder called Junk
  • Right click, then drag your text document to the Junk... choose move
  • Select Junk... press the delete key.
    Note: The recycle bin holds on to recently deleted files and folders, but only on hard drives,
    not network drives or floppy disks. Your thumb drive may have a recycle bin.

Graded Activity
Set your computer to show the full filename and extension.

In Windows 7, Open Windows Explorer/My Computer and select Tools/Folder Options...
In order to see the Tools menu, you may have to press [Alt]
Select the View tab, and make sure that 'Hide extensions for know file types' is NOT checked.
Click OK. You will now be able to see the complete file name.

Change Folder Options Dialog Box

In Windows 10
Cick Start, then open File Explorer (also known as This PC)
Choose the View tab, then add a checkbox next to File name extensions

This PC

Problems? Zip the entire folder and attach to an email:
       •Send the mail to your instructor, cc yourself
       •The subject line should include your name, your class, your section, and what you are submitting
       •Make sure you attach the zipped file


Log into D2L, choose this class, choose Dropbox, and select correct Lab.
Browse to and upload it. (Scroll down to see detailed instructions)

 Help with D2L