To Temple College R. Craig Collins > Orientation

Optional: Additional Orientation © R. Craig Collins, 2006/2020

Please review the Academic Integrity, Computer Use, Cell Phone, and Attendance Policies in the Student Handbook, located at Note: the College conducts regular safety drills that may impact class times.

IMPORTANT: When using TC e-mail, some 'real' mail gets sorted to your Junk Folder... please check this folder frequently, release legitimate mail, and delete and purge the junk mail. Make sure you include your class as part of email subject lines, and your name in any email.

IMPORTANT: When emailing from D2L, in the past there has been a bug that puts the wrong 'reply to' email address in your mail, meaning people cannot reply to your emails.
To fix: on the first page you see after logging in to D2L, choose My Preferences, then the e-mail tab. Verify your reply to email address ends with

IMPORTANT: When using D2L, if you can't find your class listed, locate
My Courses
Below that, if you see a [>], click it to reveal the semester. You may need to click the [>] that is now visible, to see your Temple College courses

About links on my webpages
I expect you to read each linked item on the course Overviews at least once.
Most of these linked web pages will have links, too.
Some of these links continue the topic, some of the links are for optional, additional information, but some links refer to pages you have already read...
those links are there not to force you to re-read a page you have already seen, but simply for easy access to something related, IF you need a reminder, for examples, etc.


Many students can benefit from owning a thumb drive, as floppy disks hold so little, and many new computers do not have floppy drives. Thumb drives are also known as jump drives, USB drives, etc.
Image of a thumb sized jump drive
TC Students may also store files on their network O:\ drive, which is available on any campus computer. Or, students using the Microsoft Office 365 "One Drive", or if in a pinch, you may use the small D2L Locker

Plan B

In order to complete this class, you need to use a computer. Have a backup plan in case your home computer crashes, such as places with free wifi for your laptop, or
using the Computer Lab on campus.


Aside from office hours, and regular class time, I also will allow any student to drop into any traditional class I am teaching, if there are open seats. Most classes end with lab time, and I normally have scheduled lab-only hours for room 522 (usually one afternoon and one evening a week), and I will work with any student on any subject during any of these lab times. Check my office hours for details...

Other resources:
Temple College Library
Temple College Writing Center

Planning your semester

Please note, if taking an online class: on-line classes are not easier... they cover the same material. Also note that online classes provide flexibility in time, but often take a bit more time, not less, than a traditional class.

This semester takes into account the normal highs and lows of a semester, and is basically front loaded... allowing for soak time and practice at the end of the semester, prior to the capstone events.

About half way through the semester... you may wish to read over the Orientation Follow Up

Note: Many web pages on class related sites open in separate windows... adjust your pop up blocker accordingly!

Teaching Style

*Relate; see how things you already know apply to a new topic
*Experience; guided activities to allow students to use the new knowledge
*Apply; lab work to allows students to work on new material on their own
*Cooperate; share knowledge during the learning phase
*Transfer; take newly learned skills and set them to novel situations to verify learning occurred

Blooms Taxonomy
*Level I: Knowledge (define)
*Level II: Comprehension (summarize)
*Level III: Application (use)
*Level IV: Analysis (discover)
*Level V: Synthesis (create)
*Level VI: Evaluation (select or compare-contrast)

Pivotal Questions
Presents students with situation and asks them, based on other experiences, how the situation can be resolved... this way the student actually starts solving problems during the learning process.

Make Up Work
All material is due on a specified date, electronically submit the material if you cannot attend class. Late work may not be accepted, or may be heavily penalized.

A missed test grade is generated as a percentage of the relevant section of the Final Exam;
the lowest test grade may be replace by a percentage of a markedly improved relevant section of the Final.

Key to success in my classes
Attend class, check in with D2L, participate, and turning in your homework almost guarantees passing; test grades build on that success.
eLearning students and traditional students must check into D2L at least twice a week, and participate using the Discussions area of D2L.
The majority of my tests are short answer/fill in the blank, to ascertain what you have actually learned, to duplicate the 'real test' before getting a job, the job interview.

Cheating prevents me from seeing what you are weak in, which prevents you from learning it. So, don't cheat, or break the rules.

How to: Study
Click here

Controlling File Names
Many Windows computers are set up to hide known file extensions; this can be very confusing for computer students. To set your computer to display the entire file name:

For Windows 10, Press the Start key on your keyboard and type File Explorer... click the View tab.
Put a check mark in the box the next to [] File Name Extensions to start showing the extension.

Class Participation for Web Enhanced Classes

Click here for tutorial on all eLearning tools
Click here for detailed tutorials on D2L
Click here for quick help on D2L

The Big Picture

Commonly used computer terms
Click here

     • To Submit by Temple College Desire2Learn (D2L):
              •Log into D2L, scroll to the bottom, and choose the correct course
              •When the Course Home Page appears, click on the Discussions link.
                                   •You may click on Discussions, Dropbox, or Quizzes below, for more info
              D2L navigation D2L Dropbox notes D2L Quizzes Notes D2L Discussion Notes
              •Click on the discussion topic for this time frame
              •Click New Message, or
              •Open the Message that you want to reply to
                  •On the bottom frame click on Reply
              •. A message form will appear
              •In the form type your message
              •When your message is complete, click Post

To check your progress: in the D2L click the arrow next to your name, top right of the screen;
to check your Discussion progress, use the dropdown Tool and select Discussions...choose Apply.
You will need to scroll down to see which discussions you have and have not posted to.
Your participation grade will be penalized at the end of the semester for discussions you have not posted to.

Submitting Files
For Labs that require files to be electronically submitted
 • Zip the required file(s) and/or folder(s)
   Please note: you may not be able to properly view all files in the zip...
   don't be alarmed, when extracted, the files and folders will be fine.

 • Rename the zipped file to reflect your name and the lab being turned in
       •Example: yourname-lab1 or (if your extensions are visible)

Problems? Zip the entire folder and attach to an email:
       •Send the mail to your instructor, cc yourself
       •The subject line should include your name, your class, your section, and what you are submitting
       •Make sure you attach the zipped file

 • If submitting by Temple College Desire2Learn:
       •Choose the class for which you want to drop off an assignment.
        •Find the Dropbox tool, click on it.
                                   •You may click on Discussions, Dropbox, or Quizzes below, for more info
              D2L navigation D2L Dropbox notes D2L Quizzes Notes D2L Discussion Notes
        •Choose the appropriate Dropbox folder, click on it.
        •Choose [Add a File]
        •[Browse] to find the file that you would like to upload and click [Open].
        •Choose [Add a File] only if you wish to add additional files
          You may need to choose My Computer or Computer on the side of the dialog box to find your file
        •Select [Add]
        •Optional: Type in a short description or comment about the file.
        •After your files have been selected, click [Submit.]
        •Some files may take a long time to upload but shortly the File Upload dialog box should appear.

        See the steps below to verify that your file went through.
        •Go to the Dropbox tool
        •Click on the History button
        •All of the assignments that have been submitted will be listed.

 Getting Feedback, electronically
      •Dropbox Feedback
         •Open the Dropbox
              •Grades are recorded on the left, Choose New or View for feedback, on the right
              •see picture below

      •Quiz Feedback
         •Open the Quiz
              •Choose Submissions
              •Click on Attempt 1 to see comments, and review your quiz
              •Note your grade and class average
              •see picture below

      •Grades Feedback
         •Open Grades to see your gradebook
              •Grades are recorded on the left, comments on the right
              •see picture below

Dropbox Feedback
Dropbox feedback

Quiz Feedback
Quiz feedback

Grades Feedback
Comments, if any, are on the right
Some grade are calculated, such as a dropbox grade plus a quiz; to see what parts make up the grade,
click the calculator icon
Grades Feedback