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Quick Start Guide 2016 ©
R. Craig Collins, 2016 Under Construction, more soon
A guide for pointing faculty members in the right direction for pertinent policies, procedures, pointers, and perks. Use the document links below to find more specific questions and information. Each issue clarifies questions that you may need to ask. You will then find points of contact, website links for more information and finally additional resources.
Instructional Support
To locate your Department and department chair, on the Temple College website, select Academics
Department Chair Meeting Checklist
- Office, department contacts
- Computer, copier codes
- Semester Schedule, and how to get rosters
- Classroom(s) access and ITS resources
- Course Design, resources
- Faculty handbook and policies
- Grade book resources
- eLearning training and resources
- Media Center resources and contacts
- Library resources and contacts
- updating TConnect with your vitae and syllabi
- Retention resources and contacts
- Accommodations resources and contacts
- Testing Center resources and contacts
- Writing Center resources and contacts
- if applicable, dual credit resources and contacts
- Campus calendar, including office hours, Zero Week, Dead Day, Final Exam Schedule, Graduation
- Tenure preparation and tracking Professional Development
- All Campus Convocation and Zero Week
- Review Student Continuous Orientations
Before Semester Planning
- Creation or adapting of first day handouts and Syllabus
- updating TConnect with your vitae and syllabi
- seek training on TConnect (payroll information, class schedules, etc.)
- seek training on Brightspace, by D2L (formerly Desire2Learn), the school classroom management system
- Meet with Faculty Orientation Group (FOG), Attend All Campus Convocation and Zero Week
First Weeks of Class
- Distribute first day handouts/syllabus
- Track student attendance
- use Retention alert within TConnect Rosters to report attendance or performance issues
- Respond to A&R requests to report students who did not attend
- Respond to A&R requests to report students who have stopped attending
- Respond to A&R requests to approve census
Mid Semester
- Meet with Faculty Orientation Group (FOG) for Additional information and continued support
- Respond to requests for grade progress
Week 12
- Respond to A&R requests to complete drops, as needed
Last Weeks of Class
- Final Exams
- Reporting grades
- Respond to A&R requests to submit grade book
- Graduation
Post-semester Wrap-up
Department Chair Duties
- Ongoing
- Check for changes in Field of Study
- Check for changes in ACGM
- Check for changes in WECM
- Summer
- Wrap up budget
- Check Faculty Needs
- Review Enrollment, adjust as needed
- Long semester: Two weeks before school
- On contract
- Finalize schedule
- Department chair training
- One Week before school
- All College Day
- Department Meeting/Division meeting
- Remind faculty: update syllabi, vitae, marketable skills, upload first day hand outs, reporting all outside work
- First week of school
- Remind about No Shows, to use Retention Alert, drop as needed
- Third Week and beyond
- Remind about Census
- Remind faculty to use Retention Alert, drop as needed
- Begin next schedule
- Start requesting offerings needed by TBI/Taylor/Hutto/Holland (check with Dual Credit Coordinator)
- Verify room numbers available
- Gather book info for bookstore
- Check budget on regular basis
- Gather and sign mileage forms, time sheets, etc.
- Plan Advisory Board
- Put together Advisory board agenda
- Changes in department
- Changes needed for approval
- Request feedback
- Add notes from previous meeting
- Contact Board President and review
- Email agenda
- Order food for Hutto and MC
- Set up IATV
- Bring changes to Curriculum Committee (submit at least one week before)
- Investigate Articulations with other schools
- Texas State
- Grand Canyon
- A&M Central Texas
- Prep for Program Review (every three years)
- Work with Division on Departmental Goals
- Upload findings
- Renew or modify goals
- prep for Peer review
- May have to track down previous graduates to see if they have job or transfered
- Start reviewing enrollment
- Near the end of the semester
- Faculty request, Budget request, needed, business cards needed, equipment needed
- Update roadmaps if degrees have changed
- Evaluations (due end of April, but I like to give midpoint feedback)
- Remind faculty on drops
- Remind faculty of grade submissions
Campus Orientation
To locate the Campus Directory, on the Temple College website, select Directory
Key People
- Administration
- President, Dr. Glenda Barron
- Vice President Academic Services Dr. Mark Smith
- Vice President Administrative Services Dr. Van Miller
- AVP Resource Management Dr. Randy Baca
- AVP Finance Gary Jackson
- AVP Academic Outreach Dr. Dan Spencer
AVP Community Initiatives Dr. Jimmy Roberts
- Director of EWCHEC/Hutto
Institutional Effectiveness, Dr. Rebeca Richter
- Market Ellen Davis
- Media Center Steve Lemmons
- Web Master Lindsay Debose
- Academic Division Directors
- Health Care Professions
- Fine Arts
- Career and Technical
- Liberal Arts, Dr. Susan Guzman Trevino
- Math and Science Dr. Paul Foutz
- Student Success Paula Talley
- eLearning Brian St. Amour
- Testing Center
- Writing Center
- Library
- Book Store
- Misc
- Police Chief
- Faculty Council President
- Professional Development Coordinator
- Perkins Grants Director
- Facilities
- Student Life
Campus Locations and Campus Maps
Campus Buildings
Campus Parking
Campus Police
Emergency Procedures
Building Safety Coordinators
Emergency Notification System
Threat Assessment Team
Maintenance Facilities
Parking Permits
College Community
Faculty Council
Faculty Orientation Group (FOG)
Food Options
Campus Events
Fine Arts Offerings
TC Athletics
Temple College Foundation
Faculty Perks
Community Discounts
Fitness Center
Flower Fund
Visual Arts
TC Athletics
TC Library
TC Community Education
TC Tuition Remission
TC Functions
Academic and Community Initiatives
Administrative Services
East Williamson County Higher Education Center
Educational Services
Human Resources
Information Services
QEP/SACS Coordination
TC Facts
Temple College Foundation
Texas Bioscience Institute
Who’s Who?
Civic Community
Bell County
Williamson Country