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CIA: Teaching Strategies © R. Craig Collins, 2009


Identify and discuss basic methods of teaching

Instructional Method and Techniques
Lecture * Laboratory Method * Making Assignments
Directed Discussion * Project Method * Homework
Demonstration * Supervised Study * Textbook
Illustration (Example) * Field Trip * Workbook
Recitation * Drill and Practice * Current Affairs
Oral Report * Review * Resource People
Written Report * Testing (as a method of * Peer Tutoring

Group Methods and Techniques
Committee * Brainstorming * Case Study
Panel Discussion * Buzz Session * Cooperative Learning

Dramatic Methods and Techniques
Role Playing * Socia-drama * Story Telling

Newer Instruction Methods and Techniques
Questioning * Individualized Instruction * Language Laboratory
Problem Solving * Learning Package (Electronic Study Center)
Inquiry * Simulation Game * Computer -Assisted Instruction
Team Teaching * Programmed Instruction * Television
Large and Small Group Instruction-Independent Study * Radio

Material -Oriented Methods and Techniques
Chalkboard * Filmstrips * Films
Flannel Board * Exhibit * Photographic Slides
Picture * Poster * Bulletin Board
Cartoon * Charts * Overhead
Graphs * Maps * Recordings

Descrube the different ways of presenting a lecture
More coming soon

Discuss alternate methods of teaching
More coming soon