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CIA: Developing Syllabus © R. Craig Collins, 2009


Identify the purposes of the Syllabus
For Students:
outcomes (grades),
books, and

For Instructors:
deliver objectives,
deliver references,
deliver supplies info,
deliver Policies and Procedures,
grading), and
Office hours

Note on schedule: Some classes can benefit by dividing the class into units, and this should be reflected in syllabus

Describe the Information in a syllabus
Example syllabus (doc)  Example syllabus (pdf)
Example first day material (doc)  Example first day material (pdf)

Describe the Use of a Syllabus
more coming soon

Differentiate Between a Unit Plan and a Syllabus
Syllabus is overview of activities for entire semester, plus how the class is conducted
Unit plan is an Overview that ties together lesson plans for a related block.