To Temple College Class  logo R. Craig Collins > BCIS 1305/ITSC 1309 > Overview 9

Overview 9 © R. Craig Collins, 2005/16

Items that should be accomplished before the beginning of the current time frame:
   • Finished Lab 5
   • Read Access I

Items to accomplish during the current course time frame:

   • Office Test 2 Review

   • Test 2
   • Access Sample / After reading over the Sample Access lab, you may go to YouTube video

•Microsoft Office Activities
   •Lab 6

For the next time frame:
•Microsoft Office Activities
   • Read Access II and Access III

  •More information in D2L Content for this week








•Each test has a review; you may wish to write out pertinent information from the readings and activities
•After completing this overview, you may wish to start on the next Overview material, and preview Lab 7













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