To Temple College Class  logo R. Craig Collins > BCIS 1305/ITSC 1309 > Lab 5

Lab 5 © R. Craig Collins, 2005/16

General Lab Directions
Note: There is not enough time in lecture to cover all the material; read your book BEFORE you begin the lab
Note: Typically labs will require you to invest some time in the lab, outside of class lecture hours

 •Check with the Instructor for the due date  

Create a folder called lab5.

Complete Activity A from the book for each Microsoft Excel Chapter

Excel 1 A, page 350, start with blank worksheet (no need to save formula sheet)
Review concepts in 1B

Excel 2 A, page 416, start with e02A_Tree_Inventory.xlsx
Review concepts in 2B

Excel 3 A, page 482, e03A_Enterprise_Fund.xlsx
Review concepts in 3B

Can you answer the following? Thes questions will be part of the Lab 5 quiz

Question 1 (10 points)
To sum a column of numbers,

select the range of numbers you wish to sum, then  click the
Σ AutoSum button on the Home tab 

select where the sum will go, and click the
Σ AutoSum button on the Data tab

select where the sum will go, and click the 
Φ AutoSum button on the Home tab

select where the sum will go, and click the
Σ AutoSum button on the Home tab

Question 2 (10 points)
To use the Fill Handle to Copy a Cell,

drag the fill handle... the small black square located in the lower-right corner

drag the fill handle... the small black square located in the upper-left corner

drag the fill handle... the small black square located in the upper-right corner

drag the fill handle... the small black square located in the lower-left corner

Question 3 (10 points)
To enter a formula using the Keyboard,

select the cell where the formula goes, 
enter the cell reference, the arithmetic operator, and the other cell reference, such as b6-b17

select the cell where the formula goes,
type an Σ to alert Excel that you entering a formula, then enter the cell reference, the arithmetic operator, and the other cell reference, such as Σb6-b17

select the cell where the formula goes,
type an semi colon to alert Excel that you entering a formula, then enter the cell reference, the arithmetic operator, and the other cell reference, such as ;b6-b17

select the cell where the formula goes,
type an equal sign to alert Excel that you entering a formula, then enter the cell reference, the arithmetic operator, and the other cell reference, such as =b6-b17

Question 4 (10 points)
A quick way to adjust the column width is to
place your mouse between columns and when your cursor changes to ←|→
drag to resize



Question 5 (10 points)
To change the Worksheet Tab name,

Double click the tab, type in the new name up to 8 characters, then hit the Enter key

Double click the tab, type in the new name up to 255 characters, then hit the Enter key

Double click the tab, type in the new name up to 131 characters, then hit the Enter key

Double click the tab, type in the new name up to 31 characters, then hit the Enter key

Question 6 (10 points)
Conditional formatting adds emphasis to cell contents based on rules, such as Cell Value Greater Than 70



Question 7 (10 points)
You can change a Worksheet's Header in Page Layout View 



Question 8 (10 points)
You can display the formulas in a Worksheet using Control + [`],
the unshifted [~] 



Question 9 (10 points)
You cannot Rotate text in a Cell



Question 10 (10 points)
You cannot nest an IF function



Problems? Zip the entire folder and attach to an email:
       •Send the mail to your instructor, cc yourself
       •The subject line should include your name, your class, your section, and what you are submitting
       •Make sure you attach the zipped file


Log into D2L, choose this class, choose Dropbox, and select correct Lab.
Browse to and upload it. (Scroll down to see detailed instructions)

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