To Temple College Class  logo R. Craig Collins > BCIS 1305/ITSC 1309 > Lab 6

Lab 6 © R. Craig Collins, 2005/16

General Lab Directions
Note: There is not enough time in lecture to cover all the material; read your book BEFORE you begin the lab
Note: Typically labs will require you to invest some time in the lab, outside of class lecture hours

 •Check with your Instructor for due dates 

For more details, see the Sample Access lab. After reading over the Sample Access lab, I strongly suggest you watch YouTube video
to see how this is done.

Create and submit an Address Book/Gift register, call it yourname-lab6.accdb, and save it in a folder called lab 6
Be sure to include the following:

  • A table called Address created in Design mode (5%)
  • First_Name field, set as Key field (5%)
    Short Text for data type
  • Last_Name (5%)
    Short Text for data type
  • Address (5%)
    Short Text for data type
  • City (5%)
    Short Text for data type
  • State, two character max (5%)
    Short Text for data type
  • Zip, text field with mask (5%)
    Short Text for data type
  • Phone Number, text field with mask (5%)
    Short Text for data type
  • Create an input form called Address-form w/Wizard (5%)
  • Add at least 5 records, no duplicate names (5%)
  • Create second table called Gifts (5%)
  • First_Name field, set as Key field (5%)
    Short Text for data type
  • include Gift, Adjective, Room, Cost, and Store fields (5%)
    (Cost is currency, not text; the rest will be Short Text for data type )
  • Create a input form w/ Wizard called Gifts-form
    based on the Gifts table
    and add at least one gift per addressee that you added in the other table.
    You must use the EXACT same First Names used in Address
    Vary the cost range from below $10 to above $10, to way above $10 (5%)
  • Relate your two tables on First Name (5%)
  • Create a query based on both tables, one of each field, named join-query
  • Modify join-query to merge all records where gift was more or less than $10 ie > 10 (5%)
  • Save Query as Nice-Gifts-query or Cheap-Gifts-query(5%)
    (File\Save As\Save Object as... and save query with the new name
  • Create a report based on the join-query called join-report (5%).
  • Create a report based on the Nice_Gifts-query called Nice_Gifts-report (5%)
  • Appropriately submit Lab 6 (see below... MUST be zipped) (5%)

An easy way to print items that have no print support in Access is to press the [Print Screen ] key on your keyboard, the Edit\Paste the screen shot into a Word Document.


For more details, see the Sample Access lab. After reading over the Sample Access lab, you may go to YouTube video

Problems? Zip the entire folder and attach to an email:
       •Send the mail to your instructor, cc yourself
       •The subject line should include your name, your class, your section, and what you are submitting
       •Make sure you attach the zipped file


Log into D2L, choose this class, choose Dropbox, and select correct Lab.
Browse to and upload it. (Scroll down to see detailed instructions)

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