Temple College Fusion
  Main>Distance Ed Findings>: Fusion 2008

Distance Ed Findings

Desire2Learn Fusion 2008 © R. Craig Collins, 2008


Opening Keynote
Session 1: Developing a training agenda, D2L trainer
Session 2: How do you teach teachers? OSU (good info)
Session 3: Straight Talk, D2L Marketing
Session 4: Design effective training program, Suffolk County CC
Product Launch

Session 5: Best Practices for integrating pedagogy, Akron (good info)
Session 6: Digital Media Tool, Iowa (Very good, MUST INVESTIGATE)
Session 7: Ride the Train (D2L admin + help desk), Iowa (good info)
Expert Panel
Session 8: New users, how to connect, Pellisippi STCC (for newbies, included quick-ref and 'what needs to be included in online course')
Excel Awards

Session 9: ePortfolio, D2L Developer (same as product release, pdf available)
Session 10: Release conditions, D2L Developer (product about to be updated, check custom widgets)

Keynote: George Seimens
The continued popularity of social learning theory is augmented by the recent development of participative technologies such as blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Learners can readily access and contribute to the concepts and ideas of others. Most educational institutions are concerned with evaluating the activities of individuals, rather than the activities of "the many". This session will explore how learners and educators can form learning networks, striking a balance between learning as individuals and learning in groups. Emphasis will be placed on a) changes to how information is created, shared, and disseminated, and b) how connections with other learners and educators are formed with the aid of technology.

Session 1: Developing a training agenda, D2L trainer

Monday, July 21, 2008   10:15 AM

This presentation will show you how to organize your Desire2Learn site in order to provide training on using Desire2Learn. Learn how to create and organize training courses using course packages and creating users specifically for training.
Felix Ouellet
Félix has been working for Desire2Learn for about two years. With a Business/Computer science degree at the Université de Moncton and with his passion for technology and training, Desire2Learn was a perfect fit for him.

My notes:
4 hour lecture + 4 hour hands on
Start with News (small), then Content, reporting... quizzes, dropbox
*Create a teacher's lounge 'class', and enroll all teachers
*Create a master course package, a sandbox
*Links to documentation

Admin stuff
Bulk Course Create, Create Template first
Bulk User Management to enroll user as instructor
Importing, don't email user if using dummy account, etc.
Session pdf

Discussion on FIRPA for Instructor's having Impersonate (not just their class, perhaps meddled with material)

Session 2: How do you teach teachers? OSU

Monday, July 21, 2008   11:30 AM

This session explores methods to help faculty learn the Desire2Learn system. Help documents, sample sites, workshops, one-on-one meetings, showcases, peer modeling -- What are you using? Is it working? How do you know?
Valerie Rake
eLearning Consultant
Technology Enhanced Learning and Research (TELR), The Ohio State University
Valerie Rake is an eLearning Consultant in Ohio State's Office of Technology Enhanced Learning and Research (TELR). She focuses on faculty training and support, with particular interest in enhanced face-to-face and hybrid courses and in reluctant users.
Robyn Ness
eLearning Consultant/Web Resources
Technology Enhanced Learning and Research (TELR), The Ohio State University
Robyn Ness is a web developer and technical writer in Ohio State's Office of Technology Enhanced Learning and Research (TELR). She focuses on issues of usability and information design.

My Notes
Use 'show me' movies
Meta Pages, link to list of links
Support <--> Training

Open enrollment, 60-90 minutes
4 weeks
popular sessions repeated

Experimenting with online workshop
Pending online, may add pedagogy and on-line strategies

Session 3: Straight Talk, D2L Marketing

Monday, July 21, 2008   1:30 PM

These discussion groups will explore the attributes and actions that you most value when working with Desire2Learn - where are we doing well, where could we do better, and how can we evolve to meet your needs in the future. Share how Desire2Learn can continue to partner with you to advance the value of eLearning in your institution.
Suman Armitage
Client Marketing Manager

My Notes
Wanted to know our current, future, and ideal state, in order to build in support

Session 4: Design effective training program, Suffolk County CC

Monday, July 21, 2008   2:45 PM

Training is too often an afterthought or at best, an addendum to the design and implementation of a new project. This presentation will introduce the participants to Suffolk County Community College's customized approach to Desire2Learn training.
Randolph H. Manning
Associate Dean of Instructional Technology
Suffolk County Community College
Dr. Randolph Manning has been a college counselor, a Professor of Psychology and Sociology, a Chief Academic Officer, an Acting and Interim Provost, an Associate Dean of Business and Technology, and an Educational Consultant to Symbol Technologies.

My notes
Discussed at length their adoption of D2L

New faculty training, 3 days
Capstone for faculty Certification

Discussed ROI: less loss of productivity; benefit will compare retention and success
Session PPT as pdf

Product Launch
Join John Baker, Desire2Learn President and CEO, Jeremy Auger, COO, and Kenneth Chapman, Lead Product Manager; launch D2L2Go, ePortfolio and Learning Environment 8.3

Learn how these products can enhance teaching and learning at your organization by connecting users together and inspiring them to maximize their potential.

My notes:
ePortfolio is not for a portfolio class, but to 'enhance' learning
D2L 2Go for blackberries, but not full environment

Session 5: Best Practices for integrating pedagogy, Akron
Tuesday, July 22, 2008   8:00 AM

With the adoption of Desire2Learn, The University of Akron used the opportunity to encourage faculty to incorporate new features and functions to enhance their teaching. The training was designed to yield a deeper appreciation of web-enhanced or blended learning. Learn about their vision for a wider adoption of the new LMS through faculty-to-faculty mentoring and collaborations.
John Savery
Director of Learning Technologies and Scholar/Learner Services - Associate Professor, College of Education
The University of Akron
Dr. John Savery is an experienced faculty member with an in-depth understanding of teaching and learning technologies. This knowledge has provided the vision and leadership for selecting and implementing our new Learning Management System.
Jonnie Phipps
Curriculum Designer
The University of Akron
Dr. Jonnie Phipps has over 10 years of experience designing materials for online learning & teaching. As a curriculum designer, she collaborates with faculty to maximize their online & web-enhanced courses.
Suzanne Testerman
Senior Instructional Designer/Project Manager
The University of Akron
Suzanne Testerman served as the Project Manager for the rapid selection, implementation, and deployment of Desire2Learn. She also serves as the Sr. Instructional Designer at The University of Akron.

My notes
Someone reviews current material
Three training methods
Cohorts 2 hr over 5 weeks, 10 sessions

Best practices:

  • library/accessibility
  • blended learning, placing material in online class
  • instructional design
  • competencies and objectives
  • learner interaction
  • developing content for online
  • structuring material
  • manage student learning
  • setting expectations

Used 'star' faculty to teach
material provided included hard copy + ppt + related articles + material online


Certificate of Completion:

  • lecture w/ questioning (more hands on?)
  • sharing best practices
  • hands on (practice)
  • reflection/feedback
  • formative evaluation

Used Atomic Learning for video screen captures, problem with lag on versions
Offer customized training for departments

Session 6: Digital Media Tool, Iowa

Tuesday, July 22, 2008   9:15 AM

Incorporating media into a course web site is a growing issue. Instructors face multiple hurdles and as faculty use of media becomes more sophisticated, they are requesting new digital media technologies like podcasting and ways to allow students to directly upload and share video. This session presents SUMIT - an internally developed tool which allows instructors to upload and manage media files, utilizing the built-in authentication of Desire2Learn.
Greyson Purcell
Media Consultant/Developer/Instructor
University of Iowa
Greyson Purcell has worked with digital media for over 10 years, specializing in interactive media development. At the University of Iowa, Greyson trains faculty and staff in a variety of media applications and supports the use of media in instruction.

My notes:
built widget to add video to D2L
three machines: linux with ffmpeg to encode, database, and streaming flash server

Browse to video from LE, automatically encodes at about 500 Kbps (50 minutes=180MB)
.flv and H264 compliant for podcasting output as swf
    Allows subscribing for podcast

Faculty can manage, default for podcast is []No
Students can view and comment using time markers for social environment

Took 40 hours to create for flash developer

Session 7: Ride the Train (D2L admin + help desk), Iowa

Tuesday, July 22, 2008   10:30 AM

This session will describe how the University of Iowa added front-line Desire2Learn support to the Help Desk using training, mentoring, and a variety of support mechanisms. When Desire2Learn was first introduced to the University of Iowa, three learning management systems were supported.
Virginia Drake
Team Lead ITS Help Desk, Training Manager
Campus Technology Services, Information Technology Services, The University of Iowa
Virginia Drake is a team lead and manager of training at the University of Iowa, ITS Help Desk. She provides first and second tier support for front line Desire2Learn support problems. She wants to make a difference in the lives around her by rocking the casbah.
Angela Briggs
Instructional Support
Campus Technology Services, Information Technology Services, The University of Iowa
Angela Briggs is a Desire2Learn Application Administrator for the University of Iowa. She graduated from the University of Iowa with an M.A. in Instructional Design and Technology. Angela wants to make the world a better place by training others to shake it and rock it.

My Notes:
Bound D2L Admin and helpdesk to resolve issues
Members attended each other's staff meetings
Full time Help-desk folks had Admin rights
D2L admin offered training every semester

Used to battle known issues
Help desk provided feedback on documentation

Expert Panel Discussion
Ideal is open educational material, was hampered by backchannel 'questioning'

Session 8: New users, how to connect, Pellisippi STCC

Tuesday, July 22, 2008   1:45 PM

This session will address ways to increase the effectiveness of online courses. Specifically, this presentation will cover ways to create effective online course content using dropboxes, learning assignments, syllabi, assessments, and discussion topics that truly engage students and help them to connect and inspire each other.
Margaret Choka
Professor of Sociology
Pellissippi State Technical Community College/ Regents Online Degree Program
Margaret Choka is a Professor of Sociology. She is the lead course designer for General Sociology (SOC 1010) and Social Problems (SOC 1020). She is currently teaching sociology for the Regents Online Degree Program (RODP) and serving as a mentor. She also has several years of online teaching experience.
Betty Dahl
Professor of Sociology
Pellissippi State Technical Community College/Regents Online Degree Program
Betty Dahl is a Professor of Sociology and program coordinator. She has several years of experience in online teaching. She is currently teaching sociology courses for RODP.

My Notes:

What needs to be included in an online course:

  • Welcome Page info
    • Text book info
    • supplemental material
    • resources
    • text book link
    • library info
    • APA (MPA) guidelines
    • Web resources
  • Course description
    • description
    • objectives
    • specific requirements
    • class roadmap
    • info on activities (discussions)
  • Course Rules
    • ground rules
    • participation
    • syllabus changes
    • punctuality
    • review of student success guidelines
  • Course Assistance
    • ADA
    • tech support
  • Assignments and grading
  • describe Assignments
  • describe Projects
  • Peer reviews, if used
  • grading procedures/scale
  • due dates

Check student View

  • Mechanics
  • Quality check

Virtual community

  • (c)
  • FAQ

They use faculty mentors, have training for faculty, and a faculty forum

Desire2Excel Awards


Wednesday, July 23, 2008   8:00 AM

Kids, Digital Tools and Art the 4th R

Question: What kinds of literacy do students need to be able to work, innovate and communicate in the modern world?

Answer: Whatever literacy enable them to "write" whatever media they "read" so they can be active media creators rather than passive media consumers. Whether students are learning onsite or online, literacy has always meant being able to consume and produce the media forms of the day, whatever they may be. For centuries this has meant essays and reports filled with words and paragraphs. Now these compete and collaborate with images, sounds, music, video, and other media that has given birth to the new communication default: the multimedia collage, including web pages, digital stories, and even PowerPoint presentations. We need to help our youth migrate from text centrism to media collage literacy, from a largely text centric Web 2.0 to Web 2.1, which integrates visuals and other art forms into everyday language. To do this, art must become the 4th R and the story form must be used as a key communication form.

This keynote provides an overview of the move to media collage literacy, and includes several examples of student produced digital stories and new media narrative.

Dr. Jason Ohler is a speaker, writer, teacher, researcher, and lifelong digital humanist who is well known for the passion, insight, and humor he brings to his presentations, projects and writings. He has been an online teacher since the early 1980s and works both online and in classrooms at home and internationally to help students develop digital stories, new media narrative and the literacy they need in the digital age. His new book, 'Digital Storytelling in the Classroom', reminds us that he is first and foremost a storyteller, telling tales of the future that are grounded in the past.

"The goal is the effective, creative, and wise use of technology... to bring together technology, community, and learning in ways that work. And while we are at it, to have fun."


My notes:
Story Telling

Session 9: ePortfolio, D2L Developer

Wednesday, July 23, 2008   9:45 AM

This hands-on session will walk users through the decisions and configuration options that they will need to consider when implementing the new Desire2Learn ePortfolio. Emphasis will be placed on social learning and connecting the ePortfolio to existing assessment methods.

My Notes:
Basically same info as in Product release
For social learning, demonstrates the process of learning
collect (from D2L LE are certified, point in time) or outside D2L--> reflect --> organize--> feedback --> revise --> access--> socialize
Presentations can be shared with invited people
Plans for free access site
See ePortfolio Overview.pdf

Session 10: Release conditions, D2L Developer

Wednesday, July 23, 2008   11:00 AM

A basic session for those new to the Learning Environment or to this idea. With off-the-wall suggestions like the checklist and custom-learning-path possibilities like using quizzes for formative assessment by tying the results to release conditions that open up special discussions, content topics, and other resources.
Jeff Cross
Product Designer
Jeff designs new tools and features for Desire2Learn products. He has a Master's degree in Philosophy from the University of Western Ontario and several years experience as an interface designer and technical writer in the software industry.

My notes:
about to be revised
Session PPT in pdf form

Check into custom widgets

© R. Craig Collins, 2008

We rate with RSACi. Last Updated July 27, 2008