Temple College Logo R. Craig Collins >Common > How To: Word Sample

How To: Word Sample © R. Craig Collins, 2005/8

While my 'notes' on Word and my sample video on Résumé Wizard(Office 2003) or How to use Templates video (Office 2007)
you may also craft it by hand. Details below...


R. Craig Collins' Résumé

Address: 2600 S. First, Temple, Texas
Phone: 254-298-8461
email: craig.collins@templejc.edu

Goal: To teach nursing students how the computer can save them time

  • Temple College
        2600 S. First St., Temple, Texas
  • University of Mary Hardin Baylor
        900 College St., Belton, Texas
  • Cedar Valley College
        3030 N. Dallas, Lancaster, Texas
  • Texas State Technical College
        5800 Campus, Waco, Texas
  • Education
  • PhD work: University of North Texas
        P.O. Box 311277, Denton, Texas
  • MS: University of North Texas
        P.O. Box 311277, Denton, Texas
  • BBA: University of Texas-El Paso
        500 University, El Paso, Texas
  • El Paso Community College
        P. O. Box 20500 , El Paso, Texas
  • References
  • Bonnie Leslie, PhD
        Creative Education Institute
  • Richard Jones
        Scott/Jones College Publishing
  • Michael Crawford, PhD
        Center for Occupational Research and Development
    You can see in the simulation above that I have done most of the requirements
    • Your name (5%)
    • Your address (5%)
    • Your e-mail (5%)
    • Your phone number (5%)
    • Goals (5%)
    • Experience (5%)
    • Education (5%)
    • References (5%)
    • Spelled Résumé, not Resume (5%)
    • Control of text (not Times Roman, perhaps Tahoma(5%)
    • Control of font size or Heading (5%)
    • Either use a table or résumé Wizard (5%)
    • Format (bolds, etc) (5%)
    • file should be named yourname-resume.docx (5%)
    • Appropriately saved (15%)
    • Appropriately zipped and submitted (15%)
    The font is Arial,
    The first line is a larger text size or perhaps a Heading 3,
    Parts of the document are contained in a table (I should hide the borders of the table, I do show you how to do that below)
    There is some formatting, such as the italics,
    Since it says ‘Document 29’ at the top left part of the Word Window, this tells me I have not yet saved the file to the appropriate name.

    Now, how did I do this?

    After starting a new document, I quickly type in everything I need. Then I start editing. I get the word order correct, by dragging words and phrases around. To do this, I select them with the mouse, then drag them to the correct place. Or I could cut them (Edit/Cut) out, and paste them elsewhere (Edit/Paste).

    This would be a good time to save the document. Choose File Save As (this allows me to select a name and location) and call it yourname.doc and save it on your floppy or hard drive.

    I then decide to organize my experience, etc., in a table. I select Insert/Table, and make it 2 by 3. I could also have clicked the Table button, and dragged my selection to that size. I then move my words into the table. When complete, I will select the table, then choose Format/Borders and Shading, and choose Borders… None. Now is a good time to save the file. Choose File/Save or [Alt]+[F] to open the File menu, then choose [S] to select Save.
    Or use [Ctl]+[S]. The old version is replaced by this new version.

    Then I start formatting.
    I highlight my top line, and choose Heading 3 from the drop down box instead of normal.
    I then highlight the goals line and select the [I] button to make it italic.
    Oops, still in Times Roman, and instructions say some other font. I press [Ctl]+[Home] to jump to the top of the document.
    Then press [Ctl]+[Shift]+[End] to select the entire document… or choose Edit/Select All to do the same thing. I then select Arial from the selection list instead of Times Roman, or I could have chosen Format/Font.

    Save the file again, so you don’t loose your work if there is a power failure, or accident!

    Now I am finished, and I start D2L program, and upload the file to the instructor… instant 100% grade.