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Capstone Grading © R. Craig Collins, 2005/20
See also Capstone Project Overview
See also Sample Term Paper, including MLA Citation format
See also Microsoft Word tips for Term Papers

Word Grading Criteria (brief overview of many of these features here):
• Word, 50% (see Project details)
• (5%) Appropriate course related topic (health care, computers in medicine, etc.),
• (5%) A cover page
• (5%) A 3 to 5* page report created using Microsoft Word. Must be at least 1000 words.
• (5%) Include a introduction that mentions topics to be covered
    • (2.5%) Should include your name and page number in the header
    • (2.5%) Should use one footnote (for a direct quote or novel idea)
• (5%) Must be double spaced using a 12-point proportional font and no more than 1 inch margins.
• (5%) Must include a bibliography (called “Works Cited”) with at least three references (sources) in MLA format in the document. These cannot all be Interenet references.
    • 1 Cover Page + 1000+ word Report + 1 Bibliography
• (10%) Show evidence of planning... from topic to references to outline to rough draft; be well written, demonstrate knowledge of Word, saved as yourname-project.docx
• Conclusion.
    • (2.5%) The conclusion should recap the topics covered, and
    • (2.5%) draw conclusion based on what you learned.

You will be submitting the UNZIPPED Word file for Plagiarism detection.

Excel/PowerPoint Grading Criteria:

You will be submitting the UNZIPPED Excel and PowerPoint files for Plagiarism detection