R. Craig Collins > BCIS 1305/ITSC 1309 > Example
Example: Lab 1 © R. Craig Collins, 2005/16
Create a document with 10 items about you; copy in something you did in Paint; then edit the document, the format the document...
(1) I am R. Craig Collins, father of two girls.
(2) I am a professional teacher and trainer. Before I began teaching at colleges, I was a scuba instructor, a private aircraft pilot, a restaurant manager, and a text book author. Each one of these jobs helped shape who I am today. For instance, when I go swimming, I often take my prescription ground mask and snorkel, though I leave my 12 inch dive knife and flippers at home. This experience has developed a strong bond to nature and the environment. I drew this in Paint (3) I am a graphic artist, poet, and aviation enthusiast. Aside from loving to pilot, I like to ride. I have flown in 707s, 727s, 737s, 747s, 757s, 767, 777s, Airbus 320s, DC 10s, and even a DC 3. But I have also flown in a hot air balloon, a helicopter, a sea plane, and many different single and twin engine aircraft. These experiences have taught me to appreciate technology. (4) I am a traveler. Aside from living in Los Angeles, Albuquerque, El Paso, Houston, Orlando, and Central Texas, I have been to 42 States and the District of Columbia. During my travels I have visited many places, including 46 of the 50 largest cities in the US, such as New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Charlotte, Atlanta, New Orleans, Oklahoma City, Denver, Phoenix, the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, and most of the cities in Texas. I have also traveled outside the United States, experiencing Mexico, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Hungary. (5) I am a cook. While many of you may have trouble getting toast made for your breakfast, I actually worked in a place that could serve 1000 people an hour, and vividly remember making over 100 pies one afternoon. (6) I am somewhat successful. I have found that students will pay a little more attention to you if, like the Tin Man in the 'Wizard of Oz,' you have some sort of award or two that indicates you may have learned a little something. While finishing up my BBA in Computer Information Systems at the University of Texas El Paso, I was named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, The National Dean's List, Men of Mines, was inducted into Alpha Chi National Honor Society, The Data Processing and Management Association, the Management Honor Society, received a Honors Program Certificate, recognition for Academic Achievement, was awarded my diploma with Honors (Cum Laude) and was selected a Top Ten Senior. Since then, I have been named to Who's Who in America several times, as well as being honored in Who's Who Among America's Teachers, Who's Who in American Education, and Teacher of the Year. (7) I am a geek. I have a watch that 'talk's to a computer, and reminds me of birthdays and important dates. I have a 8 GB storage device and a TeraByte Hard Drive. I have a wireless presentation mouse. I have a midi keyboard. At one job, I had 6 computers in my office. (8) I am an author. I have published poetry and computer books, and am currently working on several novels. (9) I am on a diet. Driving so much makes it hard to get into the gym, but I have come up with a good schedule and am really watching what I eat. My goal is to get to my original weight... 6 lb. 8 oz. (10) I am still a student, and probably will always be taking one class or another. Next area of study, history. |