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Verify you have completed all of the previous Overview before continuing

Reminder: Did you check your TC WebMail? Did you check the Quarantine folder?
Did you check the Desire2Learn Class News Items, and Desire2Learn Class Schedule for due dates?

Items to accomplish during the current course time frame


Overview 14 in the textbook, including:

- Discuss New Topics
- Test 3 Review
- Uploading to of several free ISP's you may use

- Catch Up
- Course Evaluation at

- W3C World Wide Web Consortium
   - List of Elements (Tags)
   - List of Attributes


Continue Lab 10
   •You may now start using HTML Editors, if you are so inclined
   •Lab 10 is due in the middle of the week 15

Complete in Desire2Learn:

Reply to Participation Discussion Topic 14
What are some new things in web pages that you have seen or heard about?
Reply to MUD Discussion Topic 14
What topics during this time frame do you feel comfortable with?
(What about this topic made it work for you?)
What topics during this time frame do you not feel very comfortable with?
(What about this topic is challenging for you? Why?)
Is there anything you hope is covered again in the next overview?

Please don't simply post something like "Doing fine..."
That is NOT a discussion and will be graded accordingly

Using Desire2Learn

When finished

Double check the Desire2Learn Class Checklist, then move on the the next Overview