To Temple College Class  logo R. Craig Collins > Web Page Design > Lab 10 Capstone

Lab 10 Capstone © R. Craig Collins, 2005/6

General Lab Directions
Note: There is not enough time in lecture to cover all the material; read your book BEFORE you begin the lab
Note: Typically labs will require you to invest some time in the lab, outside of class lecture hours

•Note: Please read the related overview material before continuing
Check with your Instructor for due date, typically middle of the last full week, 11:59PM (see D2L Calendar for due date)

 •NOTE: Do NOT use CAPITAL letters OR spaces in file names.

Activity (100%):
  • Get an account on some non-college web server, if you have not done so, such as
        Bravenet's Free hosting (see info below on using the free service) or Lycos's Free Tripod , etc.
  • OPTIONAL: If you are planning to actually continue to use this, you may wish to investigate fee charging sites like
        $3/mo,, or the slightly more expensive, but perhaps better service with

    If you cannot not access an ISP, contact me for alternative solutions (Primarily dual credit students)

    (5%) Documentation: A document placed in the lab 10 dropbox that includes the URL to your site,
        and a brief explanation of what you did to earn the 85 points below
    (85%) Design:
        Create and post to your new account at least three well designed web pages
        that incorporate what you have learned this semester

        Must be correctly coded and functional

        (Pages external to your ISP do not count towards the three page minimum...
         you may upload pages you created earlier IF they are modified to fit your design)

    (10%) Uploaded
        Files accessible on a real web site

    Note: if doing a site for a company, I must see your name as web author somewhere on the site...
        you must point out where this occurs in the document you place in the lab 10 drop box

  • Design issues:
  • Must use pleasing and interesting designs including everything you have learned this semester

    Grading Points (How to get the full 85 design points, aside from documentation and uploading)

    • index.html should be your welcome page, link to all other pages (10%)
    • use of consistent look on all pages via text/links and background controls (5%)
          should include some regular formatting or styles

    • use of appropriate titles and headlines (10%)

    • use of OPTIMIZED images (jpg, gif, and/or png, with alt ) (10%)

    • use tables (5%)

    • Spell Checked, interesting, shows planning, etc. (10%)

    • Pleasing design (10%)
    • correctly coded, with index and link, and functional (10%)
    • includes your name (5%)
    • Does not violate copyright (10%)
    • may wish to use frames, and/or forms, etc, but they must work.

    Don't forget the other points:

  • (10%) Files accessible on a real web site
  • (5%) Documentation in dropbox
         a) describing how you achieved design points,
         b) includes your URL

  • If you missed earlier lab points, you may reclaim them here if I see lab related activity
      and you have mentioned this in your design document
         example, no lab 9 can earn points because files were uploaded to a server, etc.
    , no lab 9 can earn points because files were uploaded to a server
    Suggestion to meet the 3 page minimum

    An attractive default document, also known as a splash screen, that opens when you access your account; this could link to a re-worked résumé and some other appropriate page, or a portfolio of some type

    [What is a portfolio? Your portfolio should be web pages with content that would interest a specific audience, such as for a sample web pages for a prospective employer, images you have created, or examples of skills you have to show off.]
    A sample portfolio.

    Test that everything works on your computer. On your ISP, create the required folders, and upload your files to the appropriate folder

    folder \ (ISP)

           folder (your area on ISP)
              |----index.html (or what ever the default document name needs to be)
              |---- folderpages
              |          |-  page1.htm
              |          |-  page2.htm
              |---- folderimages
                         |- yourimage.jpg
                         |- yourbackground.jpg

  • Note: if you upload files with errors, you must delete those files on the server, fix them on your disk, then upload them again. Most upload or ftp servers will not let you over-write or edit files.

    Upload your document that contains your URL and a brief explanation of what you did to earn the 85 design points to the lab 10 dropbox.

          • Using D2L dropbox       • Logon to D2L

    Getting to Free services

    Free web hosting

    Go to
    Choose 'free webhosting & domains'
    Choose the 'Free' option

    After registering, click the [Add Website] button; you will be prompted to provide a subdomain, I suggest you use your name
    (for my account, my username was robertcraigcollins and I made my domain robertcraigcollins, so my URL is
    [note to upload it is,
    but to view it is])

    When returning to, log in, and under web hosting, choose your site, under Free Websites


    Choose file manager
    Bravenet file manager

    Using the File Manager
    (see image below for visual reference of where each tool is located

    Once in the file manager, you need a working index.html
    -Option 1 delete index.html and choose Upload files, and upload your index.html
    -Option 2, you may also edit the existing index.html instead, using text/visual editors

    Then Make Directory, and call it pages (directories and folders are the same thing)
    Then Make Directory, and call it images (directories and folders are the same thing)

    Switch to your pages folder, then choose Upload files, and upload your content
    Switch to your images folder, then choose Upload files, and upload your content

    Notes, you may also use their ftp applet

    Don't forget to use lower case file and folder-names, and don't use spaces in files or folders

    Bravenet File Manager