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NISOD 2008   © R. Craig Collins, 2008       Temple College Distance Education

Regular Orientation, review Program
to Sunday Presenters Orientation Laptop Keyboard Shortcuts for Projectors Notes
to Sunday Awards Presentation Notes
to Sunday Keynote Notes
to Monday Keynote Notes
to Monday Atomic Learning Notes
to Monday Capella Notes
to Monday Pod Casting Notes
to Monday Faculty Development Notes
to Monday Adobe Certified Associate Notes
to Monday Moving to Online Classes Notes
to Tuesday Keynote Notes
to Tuesday Lulu Self Publishing Notes
to Tuesday New Faculty Seminar Notes
to Tuesday Video Lecture Capture Notes
to Tuesday Franklin University Notes
to Tuesday DOE OVAE Notes
to Exhibit Hall Notes
to My Wednesday Web Software Notes, Adobe Acrobat Version
Wednesday Hippo Campus (free) / NROC (fee based direct Hippo campus delivery) session
to Wednesday Closing Session Notes











Sunday Regular Orientation, reviewed Program

Sunday Presenters Orientation Laptop Keyboard Shortcuts for Projectors
Common Function Key combinations to activate projector
Turn on projector first, then plug in, the power up computer for automatic activation
For Mac users, System Preferences>Displays and select Mirror Display

Sunday Keynote Notes
Ronald Williams, VP College Board
One of his areas of responsibility is strengthening the relationship between the College Board and community colleges nationally. Most of presentation was on the income gap, and the goals of a new project:

Monday Keynote Notes
Vincent Tinto, Syracuse
Focused on Supplemental Instruction to avoid class over, student leaves; stressed one class at a time.

Monday Atomic Learning Notes
Michael Nelson, Higher Ed Sales, Roger Geraets, Director of Sales (rgeraets@atomicLearning.com)
www.atomiclearning.com delivers Flash video tutorials for over 120 software packages including Office and D2L
Can search for Keyword, or lesson URL's can be place in course
New desktop tool to start search
Useful for students either as general support, or part of class; can be used for staff development
Includes closed captioning and quick time options, decent speed at dial up
New content every 45 days

Cost about $1.38 per student

Monday Capella Notes
Most PhD degrees 29 classes plus 3 onsite colloquia,
no cohort
cost about $50,000, flat semester cost, three years average, must finish in 7

Monday Pod casting Notes
Darrell Schultz (artdoc7@charter.net)
Audacity , A free, open source software for recording and editing sounds, to make pod cast;
Filezilla to upload pod cast
ListGarden, An authoring tool for manually creating and maintaining RSS feeds to mark pod cast for subscribers

Monday Faculty Development Notes
Academy for Teaching Excellence, developing (ADJUNCT) faculty as a resource
Gina Hart, Iowa Western Community College (ghart@iwcc.edu)
Developed from Adjunct Academy, $300 stipend paid after attending 12 modules and writing a reflective paper
(Adjunct Alley in LMS had all paperwork that may be needed, so session not a school nuts and bolts session)
2 to 4 sessions
New full time faculty attend session, plus have an additional week of training
Saturday sessions much like conference, with keynote and breakouts
Local faculty may get release time, but outside experts invited through call for presentations
food included for attendees
Free to faculty, outsiders pay $50; presenters receive $30-60, cost about $25 per participant
Topics include curriculum, Instructional methods, classroom management, assessment, and technology
Brochure 1

Brochure 2

Monday Adobe Certified Associate Notes
Certipoint created assessments gear at student level certification built on Adobe curriculum on Flash, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver.
School may become a testing center by providing a proctor and buying 20 $52 tests... may charge any fee above.
Assessments web based with simulations, teacher can get results, students get instant results
Certipoint provides digital transcript service

Monday Moving to Online Classes Notes
San Jacinto College
They use instructional designers to capture info needed to build instructor class online
-What do you teach
-How do you organize
-What should students be able to do when finished
Focus on involving students and results oriented material
1. Don't do it alone
2. Get organized
   use objectives, course cartridges, be consistent, ADA compliant, use FAQ, announcements, due dates, community
3. Be flexible and open to new ideas
4. Be reasonable, start then expand
5. Begin with the end in mind
Bibliography and Resources

Brown, John Seely and Adler, Richard P. "Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0" Educause (January/February
2008), 17-32. |

Carmean, Colleen and Haefner, Jeremy. "Mind Over Matter" Educause (November/December 2002), 26-34.
http://www.educause.edu/apps/er/erm02/ermO26.asphttp://www.educause edu/ir/Iibrary/pdf/erm0261.pdf

Draves, William A. Teaching Online [2Ed.) LERN Books: River Falls, WI, 2002.

Oblinger, Diana G. & Hawkins, Brian L. "The Myth about Online Course Development" Educause (January/February 2006), 14-15.

Palloff, R. M., & Pr,m, K. "Making the transition' Helping teachers to teach online." ERIC Database, (October, 2000), http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2sql/content storage 01/0000019b/80/17/0S/4f.pdf

Prensky, Marc. "Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants" On the Horizon Vol. 9, NO.5 (October 2001), 1-6.

Copyright Resources
• American Library Association: http://www.ala.org/ala/washoff/woissues/copyrightb/copyright.cfm
• UT Crash Course in Copyright: http://www.utsystem.edu/OGC/lntellectualproperty/cprtindx.htm
• Stanford Copyright and Fair use: http://fairuse.stanford.edu/
Accessibility Resources
• Section 5O8.gov: http://www.section508.gov/
• WebAim Introduction to Accessibility: http://www.webaim.org/intro/
• Quick Tips to Make Accessible Websites: http://www.w3.org/WAI/quicktips/Overview.php

Tuesday Keynote Notes
Guilford Technical Community College (in North Carolina, GTCC) President Don Cameron pitched his dream of a “school of country music” to Grammy Award winner Larry Gatlin in 1999. In 2001, the school welcomed 75 students to the remodeled studios in GTCC’s oldest building. Today, the Larry Gatlin School of Entertainment Technology serves more than 400 students in a $9.25 million state-of-the-art facility.
Encompasses music, agents, stage craft, cosmetology, etc.

Tuesday Lulu Self Publishing Notes
$4.53 binding fee
$.02 cents per page b/w
$.15 cents per page color (any color anywhere is color charge everywhere, for now
Author sets price above cost, Lulu keeps 20%, author 80%
Provides W9, author keeps copyright
ISBN $99.95
Partnership with NISOD for all kinds of printing
Will deal with bookstores to control inventory, 6-8 day delivery
Newest version ships
Lulu market place for sales, and can have Borders carry books

Tuesday New Faculty Seminar Notes
Karlinda Barrett, Director Center of Teaching Excellence, Tallahassee CC
3 year program for new hires
Compensated, 3 days before contract starts, then weekly, 3:00-5:00
Welcome, involve with colleagues, mentors
Provided by subject matter experts from campus
Provides access on craft and technology

Less on policies, more on philosophy, culture
Resource guide (book and online)
best practices
Must create a portfolio to continue contract

1st year, Classroom
First year 3 day workshop topics include Philosophy, Strategic Plan, QEP, Title III, meet Admin, Class prep and campus resources
Weekly session include syllabi, learning styles, assessment, learning communities, advising, peer observation
2nd year Professional Growth
3rd year Integration

Budget $20,000 plus trip to NISOD

Tuesday Video Lecture Capture Notes
Valerie Martin, North Arkansas College
They use Echo360
Problems include technology needs and set up time
After capture, they use computer techs make accessible via Content Mgmt Software or iTunes U

Tuesday Franklin University Notes
Discussed articulations, university centers, and TC-Franklin partnership

Tuesday DOE OVAE Notes
Dr. Gale Schwartz (gail.schwartz@ed.gov) and Dr. Angie Falconetti, DOE
Goals: Accessibility, affordability, accountability, and quality
Restructure financial aid, foster life long learning
Now there is a Community College presence in DOE, OVAE (Vocational and Adult Ed)
Wants to be a the authority
Plan: establish wide support
portal for guidance
reform DOE to value and promote colleges
Focus on transition from HS to CC to 4 year institutions
Funding projects like STEM
Involved in mentoring and replication
Funded projects must be context based, motivational
Discussed pathways for adults, and out of school youth
5 year project just ended and new multistate program beginning
Also discussed worldwide projects and Perkins (and low funding)
Discussed Workforce Investment, adult literacy, and parent partnering in education

Exhibit Hall Notes
Free online resources for the classroom http://amser.org and www.hippocampus.org/
Best practices from DoE www.nccte.org or http://www2.ed.gov/rschstat/best-practices.html

Wednesday Web Software Notes Adobe Acrobat Version

Wednesday Hippo Campus (free) / NROC (fee based direct Hippo campus delivery) session

Sunday Awards Ceremony and Wednesday Closing Session Notes
Discussed the history of NISOD, the history of Excellence Awards, showed videos of some Excellence Award Winners, Excellence Award winner students.