To Temple College Class  logo R. Craig Collins > BCIS 1305/ITSC 1309 > Overview 15

Overview 15 © R. Craig Collins, 2005/16

Items to accomplish during the current course time frame:

•Test 3

•Turn in EVERYTHING, all labs, all discussions, all surveys.
   • Capstone Project
   • How to Study for a test
   • How to take a Collins test

   •More information in D2L Content for this week

There is no review for the Final Exam, instead look over your labs, and your previous test reviews.

Office Test Reviews
Test 1 Review
Test 2 Review
Test 3 Review


•Microsoft Office Activities
   •Course Evaluation, etc.

For the next time frame:
•Microsoft Office Activities
   • Final; schedule in in D2L


   •More information in D2L Content for this week

•Each test has a review; you may wish to write out pertinent information from the readings and activities
•After completing this overview, you must start to prepare for Final













Did you:
This is a work in progress... let me know if you would like this updated

•Reply to Course Evaluation
to Overview 15