To Temple College Class  logo R. Craig Collins > Web Page Design > Posting to UNIX

Posting to UNIX © R. Craig Collins, 2005/6

Please note, these steps are only followed if using a private UNIX server

Before you transfer files from a Windows to a UNIX computer, there are a few things you need to remember:

  1. The ~ means /home/, and is a shortcut to your account (ie /home/fred = ~fred)
  2. As UNIX is case sensitive, if your code says me.gif, it will not open Me.gif.
  3. Unless you have a document named index.html, browsers may be able to view all the contents of your directory. You may want to begin by naming your default page index.html so that page opens automatically.
      It is much easier to make these editing changes before you put them on the UNIX machine. So review your documents to make sure they work before posting.
  4. DOS, and therefore Windows typically expects three character extensions, and UNIX likes four character extensions. This is not required, though, except for index.html.

To Post to UNIX:

You only do this portion ONE time, to create the directory and set permissions!
  1. Telnet or ftp to the UNIX machine on which you have an account
  2. Login
  3. Create a public_html directory
    mkdir public_html
  4. Make the files accessible by the public (This applies to all files)
    cd ..
    chmod 755 quser or chmod o+rx quser
  5. then cd quser (where quser is your login name) to move back into your account.
  6. OPTIONAL: Then set the rights for groups and others on private files to not include read and execute.
    chmod o-rx myfile.doc
  7. Exit the session.
    exit or quit or logout