Craig Collins' Portfolio R. Craig Collins > Web Page Design > Portfolio > Vancouver, 2008

Vancouver, 2008 © R. Craig Collins, 2008

To Memphis

Monday, July 14, 2008
11:40 Depart Waco
1:45 Arrive Airport parking
2:00 Arrive DFW
         Was helped with ‘self serve’ check in
         Breeze through security
         Lunch (omelet bagel sandwich w/ bacon) at Marché, Einstein Bros. $14.64 cash, US
         DFW shop M&Ms, $1.68 Cash, US
4:15 Board, group 2, last used row, no one next to us
         Waited 45 minutes for toilet problem
         Saw parts of three movies, then fligh crew finally gave up on playing any movie.
         Tomato juice and OJ
         Great view of snow covered mountains on way in
7:30 at gate, 35 minutes late
         Clear customs
         Bonnie’s Cab; meter was 29.75, Driver said “Cash?” when tried to pay with plastic, gave $30.00 Can
Vancouver, first evening
Power out all over, there had been a massive fire in the underground conduits just a block from the hotel.
They had just got power at hotel when we arrived... any earlier they may not have taken us in.
Checked into the Ramada Limited on Pender; walked upstairs to room 215
Cozy with fireplace, odd angles
Room 215, Ramada Ltd.
Room 215 Map
Skip unpacking and walk to White Spot
Panhandler told us someone tried to steal copper and transformer blew, asked for $100 (!?!)
White Spot, Vancouver
Shared Fish & Chips, with Slaw
Walked to Gastown, saw Steam Clock, not running as they were waiting for parts
Walked to Market, got cookies, back to hotel
Unpack, cookies, emails, settle in

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
8:00 Breakfast , Egg and bagel (again), French toast, juice and caffeine
         Watched TV coverage of fire just outside our window.
         Pender Street view
         View looking the other way, tall building ironically is BC Hydro, the Electric Co.
         Note Smile restaurant, we ate their the last night in Vancouver.
         Pender Street in Vancouver
         The hotel was in the shadow of the Harbour Center
         Harbour Center

8:40 Exchange voucher at little trolley, walked past steam clock
Trolley Shop

Susann in Gastown


8:50 Board Bravo Trolley for full loop of city,
Passed Canada Place and new facility for Olympics
Canada Place looks to have sails... first picture is from Coal Harbor at slack tide, second picture is at full tide, 16 foot swing
Coal Harbor, Slack Tide
Coal Harbor High Tide

Passed art deco Marine building used for Superman
Marine Building

Close up of Marine Building

Drove past former Courts, now Art Museum
Vancouver Art Museum
Passed Di Nero and Pacino’s favorite Italian eatery
Passed unfinished Shangri La hotel
Passed Diana Krall’s old Jazz hangout
Drove up Robson
Really enjoyed Stanley Park, (more on that later)
         Mayor Oppenheimer’s Stanley Park modeled after Central Park
         Larger than Central Park, old growth forest has millions of trees compare to thousands in NYC
Passed Rose garden
Stanley Park Rose Garden

Passed Swiss chalet
Chaley in Stanley Park

Passed Horse drawn carriages by aquarium
Horse Drawn Trolley in Stanley Park

Passed Totem Poles, used as family heraldry
Totem Poles in Stanly Park

Passed Coal Harbor, and great view of City
Vancouver from Stanley Park

Passed Statue used to gauge tide, note North Vancouver and sulfur and sawdust facilities
Statue in Bay

Passed Lion’s Gate Bridge Prospect Point
Lion's Gate Bridge

Saw lots of Typhoon and tree damage, but also great view towards Vancouver Island
Toward Vancouver Island

Passed Third Beach and Second Beach (heated outdoor pool)
Passed English Bay and Lawn Bowling, and beach site of fireworks... Maritime and Space museum beyond beach
Vancouver Beach

...and the original native American Artwork used for Olympic design
Olympic Symbol

Passed Bard on the Beach, Space and Maritime museum
Passed Granville Island
Granville Island

Passed Molson brewery, and hotrod row (Aston Martin’s, Lamborghini’s, Lotus, Bently)
Astin Martin's

Passed Yaletown high rises, BC Center

Drove through Chinatown, passed Sun Yat-Sen Center
Vancouver China Town

Passed Errol Flynn’s Coroner’s office
Passed Gassy Jack statue, founder of Vancouver. (Vancouver later named after Naval explorer)
Back to Steam Clock
Got over to Vancouver Station, near Canada Place
Vancouver Station
...then back to Hotel
11:30 back to Station to buy Seabus, $15 Can
12 minutes Seabus to Lonsdale Quay, wait 15 minutes for bus 229
Got off at Peters and Duval and walked to Lynn Canyon suspension bridge
wobbly, shaky, great view of river, could hear before seeing.
Lyn Canyon

Lyn Canyon

Lyn Canyon

Lyn Canyon

Lyn Canyon

Lyn Canyon

Lyn Canyon

Walked path in forest
Lyn Canyon

Lyn Canyon

Got back to bus just as transfer expired… found out later wrong bus. Driver gave us another transfer at Phibbs, rode, 239 Royal Park bus to Lonsdale.

At Lonsdale Quay in in North Vancouver, we had great views back at Downtown.
Picked up a open end transfer for future ride. Wandered market
Lonsdale Quay

Lonsdale Quay

Rode back on Seabus.

2:30 Egg salad, caffeine and donut at Tim Horton (Harbor Center) for $9.61 Can
3:00 missed trolley at Station, walked to Steam Clock, wandered dark souvenir shop
3:30 Kid wouldn't let us on trolley, finally broke rule… he got off at Canada Place, seats opened up.
A potential customer wants to board yells “$70?” Her, “It’s for two days.” Driver Raj yells, “I'm good for years.”
We meant to go to Maritime museum, but crowds and traffic delayed new driver Raj.
          Raj chased off poor German who didn't understand the trolley was not a bus.
          Raj honked. Raj went slowly through Stanley Park, but that was okay.
          Raj chastised people getting on wrong trolley.
          Raj drove with door open.
With only a half hour of available time before trolley day ended, we abandoned plan to see Maritime museum or Granville Island. Decided to just ride back to Gas Town. From there, back to hotel. Looked at pictures, read about places to eat.
7:30 Walked to FatBurger. We split a Fatburger with cheese, rings, and a chocolate shake. Most interesting thing was girl who bought water so she could use bathroom, and all the cabs going to new Chamber restaurant.

Walked around Chinatown
Vancouver Chinatown

Vancouver Chinatown

Vancouver Chinatown

Vancouver Chinatown

Vancouver Chinatown

On our way, we passed some very sad gathering places for the homeless, but some great architecture.
Vancouver Chinatown

8:00 Walked to Irish Heather, by Gassy Jack, it was closed... parts of Gastown still suffering from power situation.
Gassy Jack Statue

Walked down to Canada Place, and all around.
Took pictures of North Vancouver, sea planes and seagulls.
Sea Plane taking off

North Vancouver

North Vancouver

Note, our hotel, hidden, is just to the left of Harbour Center, with round tower
Canada Place

Note snow covered Mountain in the distance, near the crane
View of Mountain in Distance from Canada Place

Sea Gull at Canada Place
Sea Gull at Canada Place

We walked to Sinclair Center. Closed, too. A lot of places still suffering from power situation.
Walked back to hotel passed lots of pizza places, finally in to hotel for cookie, and looking at pictures.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Earlier breakfast, had bagel and eggs, juice, caffeine, plus oatmeal/pancakes.
8:10 left for Gastown
8:40, Informed they had moved stop, and we had missed first bus.
8:50 Got on with very good driver, rode to Aquarium, paid on bus $50 Can, and got rapid entry
9:40 breezed past long line, and went to see seals as we waited to see baby (36 days old) Beluga Whale
Press (>) to start movie; title slide lasts 5 seconds.

(Watch in Separate Window)

10:00 in with first party to see whale, saw nursing, and attempts to flip like mom
Saw dolphins otters outside, BC area, Tropics with butterflies, frogs, exploration area
Walked to bus stop, missed trolley by minutes, so walked along seawall...
Sea Wall

...past 9:00 cannon, fired every night at 9:00. Used to signal close of harbor, and to synchronize chronometers.
9:00 Cannon

Also walked past the Totem poles.
Totem Poles

Picked up Trolley and rode to Prospect Point. Great views, but food offerings not to our liking. Great Asian musician at point.
Prospect Point

Prospect Point

Prospect Point

Waited 40 minutes for Trolley. One squealed in, running very late. They dumped passengers on new trolley… we got on too. Saw an eagle’s nest on way to Granville Island.
Prospect Point

1:30 Lunch at Gi Gelato, Italian Panini and then Gelato, $18,20 Can. Ate with great view of Yaletown and Relief troller.
Granville Island

Granville Island

Marina near Granville entrance.
Granville Island

Wandered markets, past boat makers, art shops, etc., then back passed entrance.
Granville Island

3:00 ran to catch trolley, rode to new stop #1, and headed to hotel. Cruise ship horn nearly floored us.
4:00, searched for souvenirs at Gastown (bought post cards, 5 for $1,11 Can) Station, then Sinclair Center, and Pacific Center.
Pacific Center
5:15, Decided to use transit passes; we got on Sky Train next to Bay dept. store, Granville Station. Rode to Waterfront, then out to Science Center. I didn't have my camera, but below is an image taken of the Science Center earlier... looks like Epcot.
Science Center

Watched a giant ‘gumball’ rube Goldberg device, then back to Train. Rode two stops more away from town just for jollies; very suburban, so we turned around and came back to Granville Station.
6:30 After passing, and passing up, places to eat, we decided on Smile Chinese across from hotel.
Smile Restaurant
Chicken Fried Rice, Chicken w/vegetables, and egg rolls for $16,10 Can. Left rest of free cash as tip (reserved $40 for cab ride.)

7:15 as Smile closed, headed to Gastown for Tour de Gastown. Saw start of race, but crowded, so worked way around 1st corner of 1.2 km 50 lap race. Seemed to be even, one guy in blue Horner, would surge, then a Symetrics team member, Swain Tuft was dominating last half…
Press (>) to start movie; title slide lasts 5 seconds.

(Watch in separate Window)

... but out of blue someone else, Pintafore, on Symetrics team stole it from at very end.
Tour de Gastown winner

9:00 back to hotel, finished cookies, and began to pack.

Thursday, July 17
7:30 Breakfast, standard fare of toast/ eggs, juice, caffeine, plus waffles
8:00 Walked to the new Library...
Vancouver Library

Vancouver Library

Vancouver Library

...then to Christ Church Cathedral...
Christ's Church Catherdral

Christ's Church Catherdral

(Christ Church Cathedral, in front of the Fairmont Hotel)

Christ's Church Catherdral in front of Fairmont

... then to the Art Deco Marine Building, again which often subs for the daily planet.

Marine Building

Back to the hotel, collected bags, and checked out.
10:30 Blacktop cab arrives, and driver sits in car and yells “The trunk is open.” We then listened to a Pakistani talk show about 'job insurance' on the way. Great views of the houses on Granville Street though. Fare just under $30 Can; left change for tip.
11:00 Checked in, then got in line for US Security. Line went through Duty Free, with folks hauling luggage through what looked like the line at Space Mountain… finally got past US Security, then went to Air Port Security. Susann got frisked, but was not a long hold up. Ate Egg and Chicken Salad sandwiches at Tim Horton’s near our gate, to finish off our Canadian Cash, about $9.65, then bought some candy and souvenirs at Hudson news.

Great Native American art exhibit in Airport
Native American Art
Native American Art Sign
Listened to guy running his New Orleans business via email and phone while we waited, and I was nearly hit by a bird swooping through the terminal. Last minute gate change, but we boarded quickly, and had our same seats, 35 D and E. Video worked fine, I just didn't want to watch “21.”
7:00 Texas Time, arrive DFW, 7:30 back at car, trying to sort through telephone messages… paid $22.40 for parking and we were on our way.
8:00 Stopped at Bennigan’s outside of Ft. Worth for the most expensive meal of the trip, French Dip and Monte Cristo sandwiches
Just shy of midnight, arrived home, and began unpacking and laundry. What a great trip.

Link to all pictures in Vancouver


Saturday, July 19, 2008
10:15 Susann takes me to ACT, Waco Airport. Checked in and got seat assignments, 4a on puddle jumper to DFW, and 19D, on S80 to Memphis.
10:45, I cleared security and wait in new Gate 1… Saab landed at 11:04, we boarded at 11:15, and were airborne by 11:35.
12:20 Land at DFW, and zip over to gate B39… the last gate in the terminal. Ride SkyTram to A terminal, and grab a chicken sandwich at McDonald’s for $7.91
3:00 boarding begins for flight to Memphis
3:25 on time take off on full plane, worked on school stuff
4:45 arrive a bit early in Memphis, gate C12; walked to B baggage area, then out to pick up area for TennCo Express.
5:20 Picked up, after a little stand in the 97 degree heat… at least I was smart enough to stand in the shade.
Drive nice, gave $1.00 tip
5:40 Checked into hotel, and talked to Susann; unpacked.
6:30, wandered down to Erika’s near Union and 2nd, but it was closed. Stumbled by Huey’s...
... and had shrimp po-boy and onion rings. $12.00 with tip.
7:00 Decided to walk up to Exchange street to buy Trolley pass, but great architecture on the pedestrian Main street… lots of horse drawn carriages and the parks on both sides of Hotel are pretty.

Kress building
Memphis sites

Court Square Center
Memphis sites

Behind Court Square Center
Memphis sites

Rear view of Sleep Inn Hotel, on left
Memphis sites

Memphis Sites

View from front of hotel. Mississippi below the Park
Memphis sites

7:30 After about a mile of walking found the ticket office for the trolley was closed. Paid $1.00 for the loop trolley, up past the bridge, Memphis Sites

... back past the pyramid...
Memphis Sites

...St. Jude's...
Memphis Sites

...Mud Island, the Riverboats, a neat park, some wild houses, an 1890 brewery area that is going lofts. Then back around and up Main, past Beale, and to the Court Square. Got directions to a convenience store, and got some ice cream.
9:00 Called the girls, and found out about Diane’s trip to Bay St. Louis… lots of sheet rock work, and trips to the beach.
Ate the ice cream, and started in with the paper work.

Views of the room
Room Room
Room   Room  

Sunday, July 20, 2008
8:00 Breakfast, waffle, tea, OJ, and milk
9:00 Walk down and explore Cook Convention Center, found Ballrooms and Lobby Meeting rooms… and saw lots of people setting up displays.
9:20 Walked back down to North MATA office to again to try and buy trolley pass, found out they are closed on Sunday. Chatted with a French couple about traveling. They are staying at the same hotel, and also wanted to get passes.
10:00 Took Riverfront Loop Trolley again, got better look at Mud Island and Jefferson Park.
11:00 Refresher stop at hotel.
11:30 Trolley to Arcade Restaurant, oldest restaurant in Memphis, 1919.

Arcade, in Memphis Arcade, in Memphis

Arcade, in Memphis
I had Redneck Eggs (Biscuits, sausage, gravy, scrambled eggs, and hash browns. $12.00

12:30 Took pictures of Civil Right Museum area.
Civil Rights Musuem

Civil Rights Musuem Civil Rights Musuem

Civil Rights Musuem

Trolley back to Hotel. passing Beale Street.
Memphis Trolley sites

Memphis Trolley sites

Mud Island, and Monorail
Memphis Trolley sites
2:30 Walk down to Convention Center and check in. Great system. Well organized book, and hang tag had mini schedule with my selections on it. CD with Memphis related music, and some software too. Very nice also was the inclusion of a elusive 3-day trolley pass!

3:15 Return to hotel ON THE TROLLEY with my pass.

More images from park across from the hotel.
Sleep Inn

View of the Mississippi
Jefferson Park
Review materials, and ironed shirt for the evening. Watched some TV… too hot to go out.

6:00 Back to the Marriott, and boarded the first bus to the Pink Palace, right across from Cook Convention Center.
Pink Palace trip

Pink Palace Trip
Palace was built by Clarence Saunders of  Piggly Wiggly fame, though he went bankrupt before moving in. Now it houses a museum, a planetarium, and an IMAX.
Pink Palace Trip

Pink Palace Trip

Pink Palace Trip

Pink Palace Trip

Pink Palace Trip

Pink Palace Trip

Pink Palace Trip

Pink Palace Trip
After having cheese, three cheese tortellini, and a little hamburger, I met up with Lesha Smith and her traveling partner Ellen from her Mississippi days, and Sally Tietje from TC.

We chatted about travels, then went to the planetarium. We finished up watching the IMAX  “Sea Monsters, A Prehistoric Adventure.” Boarded the bus back to the Marriott about 9:45
10:00 Back at the Marriott, no trolley service Sunday nights, so walked back to the hotel, passing the carriages going to the barn
Carriage in Memphis

I ironed a shirt for Monday, and had some hot chocolate before settling in.

Monday, July 21
6:50 No trolley in site, walked to convention center.
7:00 Breakfast, eggs, biscuits, sausage, melons
8:00 Opening keynote, computer is like a mind on a bicycle
12:30 Chicken sandwich and cookie
4:00 Product launch with Sally and Lesha
Product Launch
5:00 Walked to hotel, and took some more pictures of Court Square.
Court Square

Court Square

Court Square
5:50 walked to Marriott
6:30 rode bus to Graceland, passed the private planes. Lesha got word on new President for TC
7:00 Shuttle and Audio tour of Mansion



Elvis' bar, with mirrored ceiling and one TV for each network channel


The Jungle room (Click each picture for a bigger pop up)
Graceland Jungle room 1 Jungle Room 2 Jungle Room 3

Outside the Jungle room



Exhibit Hall




Meditation Garden


Lesha and Ellen



Dinner at the Ticket Pavilion, great band with horns

Another band in the Car Museum

Stutz and pink Cadillac in background Pricilla's Mercedes

The Rolls


8:45 Shuttle back, partial tour of car museum, then BBQ in ticket pavilion. Great band with horns.
Finished tour of car museum, great three piece oldies band.
10:00 Bus past Beale St., to Marriott
10:30 Trolley to hotel

Tuesday, July 22
6:50 Missed trolley, nearly caught up at convention center
7:00 Breakfast, fruit, bagel, tea
8:00 Sessions
12:30 Working luncheon, panel discussion with jokers posting odd questions online to panel
1:30 Session
3:00 Trolley to hotel
4:00 Trolley to Marriott
4:20 Trolley with Lesha, Ellen, and Sally to Peabody
4:45 March of the ducks
Ducks at the Peabody

5:15 Walked to BB King’s on Beale Street, had appetizers, ladies had adult beverages, saved the glass
BB Kings

BB Kings

BB Kings


6:15 Walked past Handy Park and Orpheum to trolley, Riverfront loop
Orpheum, Near Handy Park
7:00 Back to the Peabody, went to the Skywalk to see penthouse, ducks, and the
Memphis equivalent of the Rainbow room, home of radio dances during the 40s








(Skywalk Ballroom)

Mezzanine Piano from 1838


Fountain from Mezzanine




Spent time in gift shop while ladies bought duck souvenirs
8:00 Riverfront Loop on Trolley again, gentleman gave us an impromptu tour as we went, gave $5
9:00 Walked to Rendezvous, next to Erika's for BBQ.
BBQ in Memphis
Waiter had an attitude, with such lines as “You walked all the way here for water?” I had chicken sandwich, ladies shared ribs. “You walked all the way here for a chicken sandwich?” He yelled at bus boys a lot, too. Lesha accidentally put hot sauce on her ribs, she turned red. Saw more carriages on way to Trolley.

Memphis Carriage
10:00 Ellen said Lesha needed a birthday sweet, on the trolley and we went to Westy’s for Hot Fudge Pie (brownie with ice cream.) They put on candle on Lesha’s. Tried to pay for part of Lesha’s, for her '27th' birthday. $10
Birthday 'cake'

11:20 Walked ladies to Marriott, then walked to hotel (Trolleys stop at 11:30)
11:40 Called Susann and found out about kitchen fire and dead battery in Gracie’s car.
12:00 Start paperwork, check flight info; Start packing

Wednesday, July 23
6:35 Check out, and check luggage
6:45 Head to Convention Center
7:00 Breakfast biscuits, bacon, fruit, tea
8:00 Sessions
12:00 Closing Session, box lunch
1:00 Worked on class paperwork in hotel lobby
3:00 Shuttle to Airport, jumped off freeway due to traffic, tip kid assistant $1.00
Get snacks, souvenirs, as waited for delayed aircraft
6:30 Fly to DFW
8:00 Arrive DFW, take tram to B terminal
Aircraft problems, switch equipment
9:10 Depart DFW
10:05 Back in Waco

Link to all pictures in Memphis