Craig Collins' Portfolio R. Craig Collins > Web Page Design > Portfolio > Little Rock

2004, Little Rock © R. Craig Collins, 2004/8

The Collins family spent Craig's Birthday in Little Rock, April 9 and 10.

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We started out at the Curran Hall.

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The Old State House (

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Gracie and Diane in the Old Senate Chamber of the Old State House

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Gracie by the Evanesence Platinum CD, at the Arkansas Music display of the Old State House

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Diane by the Oval Office display of the Old State House

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Ever hear "It is cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey?" Next to the cannon is a brass monkey, with some balls, cannon balls, that is

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The girls at Historic Little Rock (, a museum and collection of preserved houses

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The comic book display at Historic Little Rock

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The courtyard of Historic Little Rock

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A log cabin being readied by Historic Little Rock

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Diane at the Museum of Discovery (

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A computing display at the Museum of Discovery showing vacuum tubes and transistors

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A computing display at the Museum of Discovery showing storage devices

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We also drove around the new Capitol Complex

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Macarthur's birthplace, the Barracks at Macarthur Park

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Villa Maria, the exterior local for the show 'Designing Women'

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A view of RiverMarket, neat the Little Rock. This is where we started out tour that included Mt. Holley Cemetary, Central High, the Old Mill, etc.

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Central High School, site of the Integration problems

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Clinton's bust, Governor's Mansion

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Under contruction, the Clinton Library

A group of pictures from the Old Mill
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The girls at the Old Mill

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A model of the Wright Flyer at the Aerospace Education Center(

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A Spwith Camel, at the Aerospace Education Center