To Temple College Class  logo R. Craig Collins > Web Page Design > Folders and Paths

Folders and Paths © R. Craig Collins, 2005/6

In order to better organize your files, say web pages in one place, and images in another, the easiest thing to do is to create folders. However, this will change how you reference web pages for links, and images to display. Instead of simply listing the file name, you will direct the browser to locate the appropriate folder, then select the file. This is called the path.

Navigating paths
If files are in the same folder, simply name the files
if files are in a folder below, name the folder and then name the file
if files are above, get out of the current folder with ../ , then name the file or folder, and then name the file
   ="../filename.htm "

Lab 3 example
Lab 4 example

Example A (the old fashioned way, as in lab 2):
Web page saved in Lab3
image1.gif saved in Lab3
folder \
              |- page1.htm
              |- page2.htm
              |- pink_fabric.gif
              |- yellow_fabric.gif
              |- bike.gif

<img src="bike.gif"> or add height, width, and alternative text information
<img height="150" width="150" src="bike.gif" alt="This is a a picture of a bike">

Example B:
Web page saved in LabZ
bike.gif saved in a folder inside of Lab3 called images, Windows path: Lab3\images
folder \
          |- page1.htm
          |- page2.htm
                    |-  pink_fabric.gif
                    |-  yellow_fabric.gif
                    |-  bike.gif

<img src="images/bike.gif"> or add height, width, and alternative text information
<img height="150" width="150" src="images/bike.gif" alt="This is a a picture of a bike">
The '/' character directs the browser to first find the folder named 'images', then look inside for the file named 'bike.gif'

Example C: (as in Lab 3)
Web page saved in a folder inside of Lab3 called pages, Windows path:Lab3\pages
bike.gif saved in a folder inside of Lab3 called images, Windows path: Lab3\images
folder \
          |---- folderpages
          |          |-  page1.htm
          |          |-  page2.htm
          |---- folderimages
                     |- pink_fabric.gif
                     |- yellow_fabric.gif
                     |- bike.gif

This requires the browser to go UP from the pages folder, then down the path toward bike.gif
<img src="../images/bike.gif"> or add height, width, and alternative text information
<img height="150" width="150" src="../images/bike.gif" alt="This is a a picture of a bike">
The '../' characters direct the browser to go UP one level, then drop back down into the folder images, and find the file named 'bike.gif'
Note: the links from web page to web page remain <a href="filename.htm">click here</a>, since they are in the same folder

Example D:
Web page saved in a folder inside of LabA called pages, Windows path:Lab3\pages
bike.gif saved in Lab3

folder \
          |- pink_fabric.gif
          |- yellow_fabric.gif
          |- bike.gif
          |---- folderpages
                     |-  page1.htm
                     |-  page2.htm
 <img src="../bike.gif"> or add height, width, and alternative text information
<img height="150" width="150" src="../bike.gif" alt="This is a a picture of a bike">
The '../' characters direct the browser to go up one level, then look inside that folder for the file named 'bike.gif'

Example E: (as in Lab 4)
Web page saved in a folder inside of Lab4 called pages, Windows path:Lab4\pages
bike.gif saved in a folder inside of Lab4 called images, Windows path: Lab4\images
folder \
          |- index.html
          |---- folderpages
          |          |-  page1.htm
          |          |-  page2.htm
          |---- folderimages
                     |- pink_fabric.gif
                     |- yellow_fabric.gif
                     |- bike.gif

For index.html to display an image requires the browser to open the images folder, then open bike.gif
<img src="images/bike.gif"> or add height, width, and alternative text information
<img height="150" width="150" src="images/bike.gif" alt="This is a a picture of a bike">
For index.html, to link to a a web page, such as page1.htm, you apply the same logic: open the pages folder, then choose page1.htm
<a href="pages/page1.htm">Click here</a>

(For page1.htm to link to index.html, use <a href="../index.html">Click here</a>)


If files are in the same folder, simply name the files
if files are in a folder below, name the folder and then name the file
if files are above, get out of the current folder with ../ , then name the file or folder, and then name the file
   ="../filename.htm "

A little challenge: Example F:
Web page saved in Lab3
bike.jpg saved in dept/cis/ccollins/images/ITSC1313 on
<img src=""> or add height, width, and alternative text information
<img height="150" width="150" src="" alt="This is a a picture of a bike">
The 'http://' directs the browser to go to another site, then the '/'s drop down multiple folders until it gets to the file named 'bike.jpg'
PS, you MUST have permission to pull an image from someone else's site!