To Temple College Class  logo R. Craig Collins > Intro to Computer Graphics > Text Layers

Text Layers © R. Craig Collins, 2008

If using Microsoft Paint, and you use the text tool, for all practical purposes what was there is replaced by new colored dots that form the letters. Later, if one wishs to get rid of the text, you will find you can't just erase the text, you erase everything, leaving nothing behind it. More powerful graphics programs deal with this issue by placing the text on layers.

Some programs, such as photoshop actually render text as a vector instead of a raster... meaning the text can easily be scaled, rotated, and yet still be edited.

Current versions of the GIMP are not quite to this point... but as the text resides on a seperate layer, that layer can be rotated or scaled. If you catch a typo, right click the text layer in the Layers and Channels window, and choose Text tool to reopen the editor.
Note: normally you create a separate layer for each block of text entered, just to keep them separate, and easy to move or hide.
Note: the text layer automatically is named by the first few words of what was typed.

To enter text in the GIMP
Click the 'Add text to Image' tool, or choose Tools\Text.
The bottom of the GIMP windows allows you to change the font face (shape, such as Arial, Times, etc.), change the color, the size, etc. Typically, anti-aliasing helps keep the text smooth.
Click where you wish to add the text.
The GIMP Text Editor tool opens... type your text.
Choose Close; the editor window closes, and your new text layer is created.

To edit the text, right click the text layer in the Layers and Channels window, and chooseText tool to reopen the editor