R. Craig Collins >
Intro to Computer Graphics >
Review for Test 3
Review for Test 3 ©
R. Craig Collins, 2007/15
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Feel free to copy this to a word document and send it to me... I won't
give you the right answers necessarily, but I'll let you know where you still
need a little work. Hint: highlight the questions.
Now that you are mastering the theory, it is time to ramp up the tests
a bit... This will be a fairly challenging test.
Just as there are no multiple choice job interviews, the third test is designed
to see not what you recognize, but what you have learned. The test and review
below, have more picky fill in the blank and short answer /short essay questions,
where you have to write out a short phrase or a short paragraph to answer the
question. You'll have 40-45 minutes for the test, so you will need fairly rapid
recall to finish in the allotted time. Go over your completed review frequently,
though, and you'll do just fine!
(Here are my Study Tips)
(Here are my Test Taking
PS, The third part of the final will include the same information as Test 3.
I also suggest you Log into D2L, chooses Quizzes, then choose to take the
Practice Test.
From Overview 13 (Paths, Layers, Channels, History, and Color Balance): Answer the following questions
To see the answers, drag your mouse across the question.
- Think of Paths, Layers, Channels History;
Channels show where red, green, and blue are used in an image
- White would have information on which channels? All
- What is the alpha channel used for? Transparency
For the next few questions think about paths and masks being used to create reusable selections.
- One reason for using channels is to create precise masks, to be able to quickly select or reselect.
- Paths are a series of connected dots used to select items, but instead of going away, the path is available to reselect later
History allows you to undo previous steps, not just the last step
Levels and Curves are other ways to adjust brightness and contrast
Think about the Tools/ Color tools menu items discussed in class
Levels allows you to adjust the tonal range using input sliders
Curves allow you to adjust the input and output with a line, with the horizontal axis and vertical axis representing the input and output
Threshold removes shades, such as shades of gray
A mask is a selection used to cut, copy or to adjust transparency
- Review lab 9.
From Overview 14 (video, flash, and copyright)
- Video could be defined as photographic images viewed in sequence, often 24-30 frames per second if approaching movie and TV quality
- The free video editing packages that come with Windows and Mac include Microsoft Movie Maker and Apple iMovie
- The free video viewing packages that come with Windows and Mac include Microsoft Media Player and Apple Quick Time
- Video editing often focuses on scenes and titlesand transitions
- A scene is a series of related images
- A scene can be divided into smaller scenes that can be copied or rearranged, by clipping or splitting the scene
- A transition is the effect, such as fading, between scenes
- Titles are words that appear before or after scenes… in some cases the text can appear over a scene
- Microsoft Movie Maker uses either a timeline or a story board to arrange scenes
- Flash is used for web animation
- Flash has (higher or lower)lower bandwidth requirements than traditional video formats
- For class you may invoke fair use to use copyrighted images; this kind of use is not available outside of class
- Review Lab 10. Also, think about ALL of your labs, from rasters and vectors, file types, animation, to photo editing